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At 12 o'clock, we parted at the door of Ying's house, and went to do our own tasks. It was not that I was not worried about them. Shen Qing was fine, but I was still worried about Ying.

But Ying insisted that she wanted to help me. So I could only let her go after she repeatedly ensured that she would be careful...

The so-called protection was to act as a vigilant security guard. The person I wanted to protect was Lin Liyu, and it was very easy to find her. After all, this was not the first time that I visited the Lin family.

I walked to the door and knocked on the door, explaining to the doorman what I was coming for. After asking Lin Liyu, he let me into the yard. For such a large yard, the owner also hired security personnels to guard them, which made me feel a little relieved.

It was the first time for me to enter this yard during the day time, and it was also the first time for me to learn that this large courtyard was so beautiful. The well-built garden was paved with neat stone roads leading to the two-story main house and side house, and a few red carps in the clear pond were swimming around, the crabapple trees planted by the roadside were full of pink and white flowers, and the petals slowly fell off the tree after the wind blew past...

"...Classmate Shi, what's the matter? Why are you looking for me?"

After I waited for a while in the meeting room, Lin Liyu, wearing a white robe, appeared in front of me. She seemed to be prettier than usual. Was it because she was dressed up… Speaking of which, I still hadn’t thought of the reason why I came here.

"I... I don't know a few questions, and I want to ask you."

You couldn’t just say, "You will die today, and I must protect you," right? In contrast, it was more normal to use questions as an excuse.

"Huh? It's really rare that you, a straight-A student, would come to ask me for help on your study."

"A straight-A student?"

"Are you not? You don’t take classes very much, but you can still get full marks in the exam. In everyone's opinion, of course you are a very smart straight-A student."

It seemed that she had some misunderstandings about me... But, it was inevitable that someone would regard me as a straight-A student in high-school when I was actually a college student in reality. After all, it was very easy for a college student to answer high-school questions.

"It's the English problem. After all, Ms. Han hasn't come back yet... and the english exam is about to come. I am also a little worried about your condition."

Although I was a representative of the English subject in the class, I had always been poor in English, so it made sense to ask English questions at this time...

"My parents also want to see you again..."

She didn't go on, just glanced at me. I knew she was afraid of being heard by others.

"Um... I'm still not ready... Ha ha..."

Speaking of seeing her parents, it was very embarrassing, I could answer evasively. The interior of the entire building was decorated with antiques, as if I had traveled back to hundreds of years ago. After sitting down in the study, I opened her English workbook and casually pointed out some questions...

Of course, it was not only me who asked the questions, she also asked some math questions as well

"This normal vector..."

I talked about three-dimensional geometry until the atmosphere suddenly became quiet, and then we both fell silent.

"Are you planning to stay here for the night?"


The rain would start at 6pm, and it would last throughout the long night. If I didn't stay here for the night, I would not be able to protect her effectively. But unlike Ying and Shen Qing, I was a boy… If I ask her that, would she agree to it?

"If you want to spend the night here, it's okay."


For the first time, Lin Liyu seemed to have seen through my mind and offered to ask.

"...After all, there are a lot of vacant rooms in my house, so you don’t need to worry."

It turned out that I was thinking too much... After all, why would she invite me to sleep in the same room with her?

After all, our relationship was just ordinary classmates. The last time she booked a room with me was because she was so sad and depressed. Now that the threat was no longer there, she naturally would not do such irrational things again.

"Then I’ll happily accept it."

I said sorry to Ying inwardly. I had no other way to complete the task. I had to agree to stay overnight at a girl’s house. But I would definitely not do anything inappropriate!

"In this case, I will ask them to prepare the room and clothes. Are you interested in listening to music together? Or watching a movie?"

Lin Liyu seemed to be in a good mood. She took the initiative to open the projection in the study room and asked me to choose a movie or album.

Clearly, I knew that she was in danger, but I couldn’t tell her. Moreover, I still had to pretend to listen to music leisurely...I could only spend the time in this weird and relaxed atmosphere.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, raindrops began to fall outside the window. This time was not different from yesterday.

I started to feel strange feelings in my heart. I didn't know whether it was the fear of the unknown or the excitement of the upcoming event.

"If it is possible, I really hope this can go on forever."

Lin Liyu suddenly said softly. My heart seemed to wake up suddenly, because I had heard this before. Under the cherry flower tree, Ying said the same thing to me, and then what happened overturned my view of the world.


"What... you mean music?"

The only thing I could do right now was to pretend that I didn't understand what she was saying.

"Of course I mean the time I am with you. Can’t you be a little bit smarter?”

Lin Liyu mumbled dissatisfied.

Huh? As soon as the words of confession appeared, the atmosphere instantly became strange.

It was not a good thing for me that an NPC took the initiative to confess to me. Certainly, I would not accept it. But her current appearance made me think of Ying when she became evil. If she was an Ai with self-consciousness, rejecting her confession here would lead to a disastrous consequence.

But if I accepted her, what about Ying?...

"...Why are you not saying anything? Is it because you don't want to be with me?"

She lowered her head so that I couldn't see her expression, but this...this seemed to be a bad sign.

"No... I just think... that you are a beautiful and outstanding girl, I don't deserve you..."

‘What am I talking about? Isn’t this similar to rejection? There should be a better reason, ah, yes, think again…’

"I really don't deserve you. It is not for any other reason..."

"...So, are you rejecting me?"

"No, it's not..." My explanation did not have any effect. "I really think you should find a better boy!"

"I don't want a better boy. If you don’t like me, you can just say it."

‘Oh no, I can’t think of anything else. What should I do now?’

"If I told you, I hope you won’t be angry...I, I actually..."

"Why do you come to me today if you don't want to go out with me? Why did you help me and treat me so nicely before?"

"That… because we are friends… isn't it right to help friends..."

I didn't know what I was talking about anymore.

"You can go back, I want to be quiet by myself."

In Lin Liyu's voice, there was a tremor. She was pretending to be calm.

There were wet marks on her white robe. Was it tears? Even if it was a game, making a girl in the game was simply something I couldn’t accept.

But I did not forget my mission. I still couldn't go yet.

"I know you don't want to see me now, but I have a responsibility to stay and protect you. You may not believe it. It is very dangerous for you to be alone tonight, and it may even be life-threatening."

"You… You are really a scumbag! Why do you still want to stay here if you already refused me? You think I WOULD believe thIS excuse? Do you want my body so much?"

‘Huh?’ Lin Liyu in front of me suddenly raised her head and roared at me with tearful eyes. Her sharp voice even attracted the servant’s attention.

She seemed to think that I stayed because I wanted her body. This was a big misunderstanding! The eyes of the servant outside the door were getting stranger and stranger, as this went on...

"Miss, are you okay?"

The maid outside asked about Lin Liyu's situation.

"It's not like that, I didn't do it for your... I know, I'm sorry, I will leave now!"

It was better to say goodbye in time before being thrown out by the servant. Of course, it did not mean that I gave up this task, I just retreated strategically.

The Lin family was too big. I didn't know how many secret entrances there were. I couldn't monitor every corner, but I still had the biggest trump card. That was to reload the game.

I could reload the game again and answer her confession carefully so it would not turn into such an embarrassing situation.

It was just an AI, I didn't know what I thought just now. Obviously, I could accept the confession and find the evidence of whether she was an Awakened AI later. I would not lose anything, and Ying would definitely understand my approach.

I was naive and rejected her because of a momentary misjudgment, and now I was punished to walk in the rain... I glanced at the clock before I left, and the hour hand was pointing to 9 o'clock, which was the beginning of the long night.

Without the phone, I could only go to Ying and Shen Qing and ask them to reload the game with me.

Because I didn't even take the umbrella when I came out in a hurry, I was almost wetted by the rain now. Of course this was a game, so I was not afraid of getting sick or getting a fever.

VR games inherently allowed players to do things that they could not do or not allowed in reality. Whether it was raining or killing people, the player could do it freely. No one would hold the player legally responsible...

It was impossible to kill people in this game. I still remembered clearly. 'Only the Rainy Night Murderer can kill people' seemed to be one of the rules of the game.

Before I knew it, I had walked to the downtown of this small city. The bustling commercial area where Ying and I had come here to buy swimsuits. At this time, the entire mall was closed, only the neon lights were still on, and some imaginary signs were on the billboards, trying to attract the attention of NPCs.

If I planned to go to Shen Qing or Ying, I had to go through a small busy side street with many people walking past even during the rainy day.


After walking in, I found out that this was a bar street. Both sides of the street were full of various bars.

There were bars with dim lights just for drinking, bars with singers and explicit performances, and even bars where men and women with heavy makeup dance on the dance floor. This street had all kinds of bars. Some bars also had open-air booths, covered with awnings or parasols to prevent rain.

It could be seen that the developer of the game probably liked this atmosphere. That was why they made the bar scene in a gal game so rich and realistic...

I didn't have much interest in drinking, and I had never been to a bar in my life. However, just on the open-air seat of a relatively quiet bar, I saw a familiar figure.

The reason why I noticed this figure was because she was too sexy. Some messy brown hair was draped over her shoulders, and her long legs with broken, ugly stockings stretched out to the aisle unscrupulously, as if she hadn't considered other customers and waiters at all.

Then when I saw her face, I was completely shocked.

"Han, Ms. Han...?"

Wasn't this the English teacher who had been missing for a week?

"This guest, would you like a drink?"

The waiter dutifully walked over and presented a wine list, which was full of weird English names, and I didn't know what it meant.

"No need……"

"Shi...Shi YuanXing?"

It was at this moment, she finally saw me. She seemed to have drunk too much, she couldn’t even say a sentence clearly.

"Well, I'll order a non-alcoholic drink..."

"Bring him a bloody Mary. My treat."

She snapped her fingers before I spoke and placed an order for me first. By the way, if I had never drunk alcohol, I also knew the famous drink "Bloody Mary", but this name seemed to reveal a certain kind of anxiety.

After hearing her order, the waiter went to make the drink. Soon after I sat down, he brought the drink over. The color of the drink inside looked as red as blood.

Two slender fingers painted with red nail polish stretched out and gently lifted the glass containing the blood red liquid.

"Student Shi, you can drink it."

"Ms. Han?"

Looking at her flushing face, and she was shaking her head repeatedly, she didn’t seem to be sober.

"Ms. Han, why are you here? Aren't you missing? Where have you been this week?"

I was too shocked, and I asked a series of questions, regardless of whether the other party was sober enough to answer them.

"Wuwu...! What a coincidence to see you here!"

Suddenly, I was hugged by her, and my head was pressed against her chest.

My head was buried in the soft space between her breasts—this was once the dream of many men, but now I had experienced it.

"I... have been through a lot. It's very scary!"

She was crying while talking.

"Hmm- Oh? Ms. Han, what happened to you this week?"

I broke free of her embrace first, and then asked.

"What happened… Ah, yes...Thanks to Student Shi's reminder, I was very careful along the way, and I really discovered a suspicious person..."

She took out a tissue and wiped her tears.

"What does that suspicious person look like?"

"Hiccup… a

middle-aged man who looks ordinary… actually, he is not ordinary at all! He wants to lock me up…  If I hadn’t been lucky, I might have been locked by him forever!"

"Then... Ms. Han, why didn't you call the police?"

"Call the police?"

She repeated it in confusion.

Was it because she was so drunk that she didn’t even understand what I meant by calling the police?

"Call the police and tell the police what happened to you."

I patiently explained to her the meaning of calling the police.

"Student Shi, what are you talking about, this city... There is no police?"

"Hey? There is no police here? How is this possible?"

Having lived in a civilized society for 18 years, I had never thought about the absence of police officers.

"You mean the police, hiccup... Don't they only exist in big cities??"

"Seriously?! Ms. Han, you are too drunk."

"Of course... In the small town of Bailu City, there has been no case for 20 years before the Rainy Night Murderer appeared. So why do we need the police... hiccup..."

I still couldn't believe it. Was the game company's budget insufficient, or was the script too lazy to set up the position of the policeman, or was it… There seemed to be something wrong about the setting of this game.

I shuddered just thinking about it.




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