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"Ahem... Ying, listen to me."

I calmed down, and in the empty classroom, I started to express my thoughts as if talking to myself.

"Are you hiding from me?"


There was no sound.

"Is it because of that sentence?"


"Ying, you have misunderstood. To me you are a very important existence, very important. It is true that I have been annoyed by being unable to touch you, but you have brought me much more happiness than any kind of physical touch can bring me."


"Because you are Ying, my first girlfriend, and the only girl who likes me and I like. I’m very worried when I noticed that you suddenly disappeared. So can you stop hiding from me."


Ying's voice came from my ear, very soft. Sure enough, she was trying to hide from me.

"Of course. Please don’t keep those words in mind, those are not my thoughts."

"But those words... how can I not keep them in mind? Although you didn't say it, you must have also thought that it would be very nice if you could touch me, right? You must be very bored that you are only able to touch me in the game!"

Ying's voice was sobbing.

"No, I'm definitely not that kind of person. For me, as long as I like it, I don’t care if it is virtual or reality. You only need to believe that I will not leave you. You don’t need to think about anything else!"

"Yuan… you really won't leave me? You are not lying to me, right?"

In front of me, Ying's fuzzy figure emerged. I could see her raising her hands, wiping away the tears on her face with her hands.

"I will not lie to you."

I nodded solemnly. Then, Ying's figure suddenly became clear, which really startled me. She stretched out her hands and hugged me tightly... and started crying bitterly.

"Waah… I thought Yuan didn't want me anymore! Waah..."

"……There there..."

Although my clothes would not get wet, the feeling of being held by a crying girl was really uncomfortable.

"Please don't cry. Believe me, I will never do that. Let's go home first, okay?"

It was not a good experience to keep talking to myself in the classroom, and I was starving to death since I didn't eat breakfast.

"Waah… If Yuan doesn't want me, I don't know where to go..."


I had always ignored this problem. Ying had no home, and returning to "The Story Of Cherry Blossoms" was tantamount to returning to the shackles of that reincarnation. This was definitely something she did not want, so she could only follow me.

I did feel a bit dissatisfied with Ying following me everywhere all the time, but now I suddenly found that my thoughts were only from my own point of view, not from her point of view. This kind of thinking was too selfish. It was me who persuaded her to leave "The Story Of Cherry Blossoms", if I no longer liked her, then she really didn’t have anyone else she could trust.

"Sorry, Ying, I have always ignored your feelings."

I put my hand on her head, even though I couldn't really touch her hair.

"I will not leave you, I promise."

“…… Mhm。”

Ying nodded lightly and said that she believed me.

This meant that I would also have to be responsible to her in the days to come. She was just an ignorant Awakened AI who had just left the game and did not understand all the danger in the real world. No matter how cheerful she was, Ying was still a fragile girl in a world that was strange to her. She would be upset, and she needed to be cared for by other people. More importantly, she needed a place that she could stay without any fear.

And I would be that place. I was different from my former roommate. I would never be like him. Embracing Ying, who had no weight or touch in my arms, I secretly decided that I would never allow anything that threatened her to happen…


"It seems that the problem between you two has been solved?"

There were two rhythmic knocks outside the classroom. I didn’t know when Shen Qing had appeared at the door of the classroom, and she had obviously seen everything.

"Shen Qing? Didn't you leave already?"

"You idiot couple's conversation can be heard clearly from a long distance away! Remember, in the future, if you two want to have a sweet talk, don’t do it in the public channel!” She tapped her right eye, which was blocked by her bangs and said.

I had forgotten that our micro computers had already been linked together, so it was natural that she was able to hear and see everything.

"Er... Shen… Shen Qing, have you heard all of them?"

Ying suddenly blushed and got up from my arms... It should be said that she passed through my body and stuck out her head from my back.

"Ah, I heard it all, it's like a cliche drama from decades ago."

"Forget it! You need to forget it! I shouldn’t suspect Yuan, that is not something that a good girlfriend should do!"

"Alright, alright, but you need to first get out of this virgin body, it looks weird like this..."

Shen Qing's tone sounded a little awkward... Indeed, half of her body popped out from behind my back. If it was at night, it would be very scary.

"Then Shen Qing, you have to promise me that you will not tell anyone!”


"Who would I tell... It is not like other people would see you?...”

"Boss! You can't tell him either!"

"Okay, I got it. It is time to go back now. There are tasks waiting for us."

"Then… Does Yuan and I look different from the couple in the real world?"

It seemed that Ying was still thinking about the conversation between me and my former roommate just now.



Her eyes lit up, and there were even little stars appearing in her eyes.

"Really." Shen Qing replied calmly.

"Since Shen Qing also said so, then… it must be true!"

After this little incident, Ying, who finally returned to a cheerful girl, changed back to her previous curious look and began to float around me.

Seeing this, I suddenly thought of Fei Fei. The situation facing Ying in the real world was no different from that dummy.

I didn’t know why, I felt a little sad for a while...

"Thank you."

After walking home with Shen Qing, I expressed my gratitude to this terrible friend for the first time.

"Thank me for what?"

"Telling me that Ying was hiding from me."

"Shi YuanXing, remember what I said to you when you played "The Story Of Cherry Blossoms"?"

Suddenly Shen Qing looked at me with an inexplicable and complicated look. She was not as tall as me, so when she looked up at me, despite her trying to show a condescending look, it was not very effective. Plus her red contact lense that made her look like she had the Eighth-Grader Syndrome, if it was normal time, I would definitely mock her.

But I didn't know why I couldn't mock her now, and Shen Qing looked quite serious at the moment.

"Don't rely too much on those virtual things."

Before I could show any reactions, she withdrew her gaze from me and became a cold girl like she usually was.

"Hmph, you don't need to thank me, because… I never helped you."

Anyway, after comforting Ying, we returned to the villa for lunch, and the three of us logged in to the game again——

I recalled the plot so far. All three heroines had already had more than 80 points of Level of Affection to me, and I had reached a point where I could confess to them. Moreover, Lin Liyu had more than 90 points of Level of Affection because of the previous incident... It had even reached a point that I could do 18+ things with her.

And now, it was Friday morning in the second week of the game. If I remembered correctly, Fei Fei would suddenly appear in front of me.

Sure enough, Fei Fei's figure suddenly appeared in front of me shortly after arriving in the class. She passed through the wall without any problem, until she stood on the table in front of me...

"I want to tell you, I remember my name now!"

"Come here and talk here."

In order not to attract attention, I went to the window and pretended to look at the scenery, and Fei Fei followed obediently. Almost everyone else was chatting individually, but no one noticed my movement.

"My name is Lin Fei Fei! How is it?"

Fei Fei floated outside the window just to talk to me face to face...

"... Not bad."

I replied perfunctorily, but then I realized one thing--

"You said your surname is Lin? Mhm… What is your relationship with the Lin family?"

"What Lin Family?"

"It's the owner of the house that you were supposed to go to that day. But you kept saying that you didn't want to get close to that house."

"Tsk, how would I know?"

"You little dummy... I'm really curious. Do you know how you became a ghost?"

I had a feeling that this dummy didn’t even know her own death.

"Of course I don't know! But right now,my life isn’t that bad, right?"

Sure enough, she didn't know... Not only that, but she also had a triumphant look. This ghost was really dumb.

"...Did you just remember your last name?"

"Yeah, even this took me a day and a night, isn't it amazing?"

She raised her head as if asking me to praise her.

"Ah, that’s really great."

I stroked her head. It seemed like I was thinking too much. I would never be able to get any useful information from her.

"You, you… you touched my head again! I don’t want you to touch me head! And stop treating me like a child!"

"Aren't you a child?"

"I'm not a child! I suddenly remembered that I have been a ghost for 100 years! I am your senior!"

"Oh... you suddenly remembered..."

"Call me senior, you idiot!"


"A senior will not call a junior idiot. If you want to continue to call me idiot, you'd better protect your braids first."

I said and stretched my hand to her braid...

"Ah! Don't come here! Take your hands away!"

She was so frightened that she floated a few meters away.

"Now you can’t do anything to me, you idiot!”

"It's really convenient to be a ghost. You can walk through walls and fly into the sky. But the only drawback is that you can't touch ordinary humans and ordinary things, such as cakes..."

"Wait… Wait… I can’t live without cakes. Please, I really, really need cakes…”

"Cake my ass. Now stay quiet."

In the end, Fei Fei chose the cake between dignity and cake without hesitation.

"But when I saw that wall, I really seemed to have strange things flashing before my eyes."

"Oh? What kind of strange things?"

"Mhm... it was a black and white scene, almost the same as in reality, but I... felt..."

Her eyes were confused as if she was remembering something.

"...I felt despair... and I was very hungry."


"Yeah...  The feeling of despair. It was very real."

"Are you suffering from the Eighth-Grader Syndrome?..."

"You don't understand that feeling."

She was completely different from her usual silly image. It was as if she was not joking.

"Ghosts don't feel hungry, only that time, I felt severe 'hunger' at the moment when the scene changed. What was going on? I couldn’t remember anything at all..."

I reached out and stroked her head. Of course, afterwards, even I was surprised why I did this.


She was floating in the air blankly, seemingly unable to understand my movements.

"It has passed, everything will be okay from now on."

At this time, using the lines that I learned from movies to comfort people was definitely the right choice.

"There are still a lot things that we need your help in the future, so cheer up."

"... I'm hungry and want to eat cake."

"But you just said that ghosts will not get hungry, so why do you still want to eat cakes!"

It was such a waste of time to comfort an AI.

"Cake, give me a cake!"

Was the word cake the only thing she could think of when she was upset?

"Not now! I will give you cakes at noon!"

‘You must be joking. In this kind of situation where I am surrounded by other people, it would be too conspicuous to give her cakes.’ I let her leave here first, and then fell into thinking again. A normal script would not set up meaningless foreshadowings, so Lin Fei Fei and the Lin family must have some kind of relationship. I was very sure that she may have been a member of the Lin family 'when she was still alive'...

It would be great if Lin Liyu could see Fei Fei. Although I didn’t know much about the Lin family, she was still more than familiar with the Lin family, and she might be able to recognize Fei Fei and she might know her story.


Just when I turned my head to go back to my seat and sit down, I saw Lin Liyu walk into the classroom. ‘Is she okay now?’ But after I looked closely, I could see that she looked very haggard, with heavy dark circles under her eyes.

"Classmate Shi, good morning!"

Although her voice also revealed exhaustion, I could hear the excitement that could not be suppressed.


"Mhm... My mom has convinced my dad, and they think Classmate Shi you..."

She blushed as she spoke, her voice faltering.

"What did you say? I can't hear you clearly."

I leaned my head over, but I didn't expect that she jumped away as if she was frightened.

"It's nothing, it's too early to say... I'll tell you later!"

Although I didn't understand what she was so excited about, it seemed that she was no longer arguing with her family. So there was nothing that I needed to worry about. Moreover, if what I thought was correct, after this was done, our Level of Affection should be over 90. This was a level that would allow me to do many indescribable things to her.

However, I didn’t plan to do that thing to her. Anyway, the following Friday and Saturday did not have any major in-game event, the ending Sunday was finally approaching….




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