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So, the game came to the third Monday of the week.

To be honest, whether it was when Shen Qing mentioned 'Rainy Night Murderer' or I read related reports in the newspaper, I didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, it was a dating simulation game, even if there was a murderer, how bad could it get?

"You are too naive."

On the rooftop, Shen Qing obviously despise my thoughts.

"Don't you know? Many stimulating galgames will also use all kinds of strange method to impress players?"

"Let’s not talk about this at the moment, what should we do now?"

After creating a lot of opportunities for players to date with several female characters in the game, our class teacher actually told us that our English teacher Han Yaqian went missing during the weekend outing...

The female teacher with big breasts actually disappeared? What happened? I had not even had a chance to date her.

"I heard that it seems to be related to the rainy night murderer."

I remembered what I heard from everyone's discussion in the morning.

"Rainy night murderer? I thought that was just an urban legend..."

"It's real, and it's been published in the newspapers. There have been five victims. It is said that he is very tall and dressed in a raincoat. He is very strong and commits crimes randomly every rainy night. It is super scary."

"Then we can’t go out on a rainy night."

"Yes. It's important to save our lives. I even stopped going for a night walk."


"Didn’t you say in this game, there is an option to date the young female teacher?" I couldn’t help but ask Shen Qing.

"The strategy online also said that she will disappear. Obviously this is a plot kill."

Shen Qing replied unconcernedly.

"Huh? If the player intervened, would the character still be killed by the plot? Do You think I would be able to save her?"

"...Who knows, but I don't have the time to help you with this."

Shen Qing left these words decisively and went offline. I only saw the black-haired girl in front of me stare at me blankly for a second and then returned to normal. It was obvious that Shen Qing had gone offline at this moment.

Anyway, since Shen Qing didn’t object to it, I went back to the Friday of the second week, which was the day I was supposed to find Yang Jiahui. The city of Bailu was shrouded in a gloomy sky. The humid and sticky air heralded the arrival of a heavy rain in the subtropical monsoon climate.

I was waiting for the teacher at the door of the office like a student who has been punished for standing...

When I saw Han Yaqian who was leaving the office with a satchel, I immediately ran after her.

"Teacher, please cancel your outing and stay in a safe place on weekends!"

Without considering how abrupt the request was, I said this to Han Yaqian.

"Huh? What are you talking about suddenly? Why cancel the outing?"

"This is all for your safety, teacher!"

"... But if I cancel it, my ticket fee and accommodation deposit will not be refunded? That would be very troublesome..."

"If you need money, I can compensate you."

"Thank you for your concern, Student Shi, but I really need this outing to release the pressure.”

She showed me a smile full of mature female charm. Obviously she was only 24 years old; not much older than me in the real world, but she still gave me a feeling different from the women of her age.

‘What am I thinking! Now is not the time to consider this!’

"Then please let me go with you."

"I didn't expect Student Shi to be such an open person... Although I am very excited about such a request, I only booked one room, so..."

She flushed and said…

What was she thinking!

"Don't worry, I also have a girlfriend, so I won’t do anything to you!"

"Huh? Classmate Shi has a girlfriend?... Then you can't be with me even more. You shouldn’t cheat on your girlfriend..."

"What are you thinking about! I am doing this to protect you!"

"Um...Thank you for your kindness, but I really don't need protection."

"No, you really need it!"

"Student Shi, you are not… paranoid, are you?"

"No, no, I am not..."

What should I do? She did not believe me at all. And I also couldn’t tell her the truth… In my experience, artificial intelligence would ignore the incomprehensible information.

"Forget it... But please be careful of those who are wearing raincoats!"

"Excuse me... Are you talking about the rainy night murderer?"

"Do you know the rainy night murderer?" I asked immediately.

But after I asked it, I felt that this was a stupid question. Who did not know the murderer that appeared in the headlines of the newspaper.

She was shocked when he heard my rhetorical question, and then looked at me as if holding back her smile--

"Thank you for your concern, but you have really overreacted... The chance of encountering that kind of bad guy is really small, don't worry too much. It's just this weekend anyway, I will be back safely soon. I need to leave now. Bye."

She waved her hand and took the suitcase into the taxi.

——Then, what I heard on Monday was the news of her disappearance.


Female teacher, stockings, and busty chest. Any character with those three characteristics was important in any galgame. So I must try to save her.

It seemed like I didn’t try hard enough last time. I needed to try it again

"...Teacher, I like you very much, please come to my house!"

In order to persuade her, I even said such an embarrassing thing to her.

"Pfff… I know what your feelings are, but this kind of thing should wait until you grow up..."

She covered her mouth and chuckled.

I could only close my eyes and accept this embarrassing scene.

She put her hands on my shoulders and looked at me seriously.

"Student Shi, you don’t need to lie to me. You don’t like me that much, do you? My experience is quite rich, and I can see through your feelings clearly. Of course, I also believe that Student Shi is really worried about my safety... Actually, I go to this kind of outing several times a month, it is really not dangerous."

How was I able to stop her from going?

"You have someone you really like. I am not naive, you know. Don't underestimate me."

Maybe if I kept following her, she would stop going, right?

Now it became a situation where I would not give up following no matter how she stopped me… until the last moment before the train departed.

"……I have to go." She said this to me again.

I was just about to tell her that I needed to go with her, but then suddenly, I noticed that her eyes had already lost focus as if there was no soul inside her.

I remember that Shen Qing said that this was the expression when AI's calculation data was 'cleared'. At this time, AI was equivalent to being trapped in an infinite recursive loop, and could only be rerun if the current process was interrupted.

"... I really need this outing to release the pressure." She began to say her lines repeatedly again.

In other words, this current method would not work.

I watched her walk into the train station with unfocused eyes.


"I told you that it won’t work."

Shen Qing, who returned to the game, said to me slightly mockingly.

——I remembered she said that the Rainy Night Murderer was a cold blooded muruder. He would kill the female character with the highest Level of Affection in the final moment. Only by protecting her (or them) would I achieve a perfect ending. The death of the teacher was just a warning, a plot set to bring players a sense of crisis.

"The protection of important female protagonists will of course not be interfered by the system, but the process is bound to be difficult and may even be life-threatening."

"——Just getting hurt in the game is nothing. After all, I have seen myself getting a headshot so many times in shooting games."

"Really? Hold out your hand."

Not knowing what she was going to do, I hesitated for a moment or stretched out a hand.


What I didn't expect was that Shen Qing suddenly took out a knife from her pocket and made a light cut in my finger.

"Do you feel it?"

"Why don't you tell me in advance, it hurts."

Shen Qing cut a deep cut in my finger, and blood immediately oozed out.

"Now you know that in this game, injuries are painful. Although it is only less painful than that of real life, you will never feel well when the injury is serious. Although I don't want to say it, since we are doing the task together, I have to remind you not to get injured."

"I don't need you to tell me. Hey, why am I still bleeding?"

"...Tsk, you think I really care about you? No wonder you are still a virgin after 18 years."

What the heck, I was bleeding, but she was still talking about this.


It was still the third week Monday. After failing to save the teacher, I had tried to increase the level of affection of other female characters. And their level of affection in the Book of Level of Affection were as follows:

Lin Liyu 80

Yang Jiahui 65

Bai Qingyue 58

Han Yaqian 50

Ogiso  90

Kazusa 30

Looking at it this way... Lin Liyu's Level of Affection did not change at all! Yang Jiahui’s level changed a bit, and with just a few more interactions, she would reach a level that I would be able to test if she was an awakened AI.

The missing teacher’s level of affection was also on it and it was still 50...


"Was the teacher really killed? The Level of Affection is still there."

"I don’t know. Besides, no one knows if killing an NPC will also make her level of affection disappear."

"Then should we... try to kill an NPC to find out?"

It was a bit cruel, so I hesitated when I said it.

"No, you can only cause harm in this game, you can't kill someone."

"Didn’t you say that the Rainy Night Murderer can kill NPCs?"

"Rainy Night Murderer is an exception."

It turned out this was an in-game setting.


On Tuesday, the school held its 50th anniversary celebration. This was the best time for me to conquer Yang Jiahui.

In addition to not having to attend classes, all students in the school could also participate in various activities organized by the school, which was called quality training... Such a good thing not only existed in the game. In reality, there weren't so many reasons not to attend classes.

"Classmate Shi, are you looking forward to tomorrow's event too?"

"Classmate Shi, do you want to see the haunted house with me?"

What I didn't expect was that Yang Jiahui and Lin Liyu invited me to participate in tomorrow's event together at the same time. What should I do now?

"What? Can't decide which one?"

"...it was you who said that I could date several girls at the same time! But you are gloating here. If I fail, you will also fail."

Shen Qing was still mocking me on the side. I really didn't know how much she wanted to see me fail.

It must be said that if the heroine in this game was dissatisfied with the protagonist or became jealousy, her Level of Affection would fall back to the friend level...

"Then you can participate in the activities separately, as long as you don't let them find that you are also with other girls."

I nodded my head, accepting Shen Qing's opinion.

On Tuesday. Activities started at 10 o'clock. I came to Yang Jiahui’s class. The chairs in this classroom had been arranged in several circles. She and I and a few strangers sat around one of the circles and listened to the rules of the game.

"Everyone draws a number in each round. The person who draws the 'king' can order the people with a certain number to do anything. Please use your imagination. Then let’s begin."

Oh, it was this game. This kind of game often required close contact, which could sometimes cause people a lot of trouble. But the person who felt troubled the most was definitely not me--

I glanced at Yang Jiahui next to her. She stared blankly in front of her. I didn't know what she was thinking. Maybe she was upset why she would participate in such a boring activity.

The first few rounds were very fortunate because we weren’t the ones that were being ordered, but this kind of fortune did not last...

"Number 3 needs to challenge Number 5 to a 'biting ice game'."

Unfortunately, the number 3 was me.

More unfortunately, I clearly saw that the person with Number 5 was Yang Jiahui.

This must be a systematic arrangement.

"Number 3?"

The girl who had drawn the 'King' saw that there was no movement, and asked suspiciously.

"……I am here."

I really didn't want to answer, but I had no choice.

"What about number 5?"

I secretly looked at Yang Jiahui next to me. If she left immediately, I really didn't know if I should breathe a sigh of relief or feel lost.

"It's me."

She struggled, but eventually didn't leave...

"The ice cube is here, number 5 please bite it tightly, and then number 3 will slowly approach and bite it... If you accidentally kiss number 5's lips and get slapped, don't blame me."

The girl who got the "king" ordered us with a mischievous smile.

Yang Jiahui took the ice cube anxiously, gently put it in her mouth and bit it, then closed her eyes.

I looked at the half of the ice cube and hesitated. It was really difficult to do it without touching her lips.

If I accidentally touched her lips, it would be very bad.

I could only hope that she would not slap me if I accidentally kissed her...

"Number. 3, the ice cube will melt if you don’t do it soon, it will only be more difficult~"

Indeed, the ice cube would get smaller and smaller, and the chance of touching the lips would get bigger and bigger...

I could move forward anxiously...

My mouth slowly moved closer to the ice cube.

The ice cube was a thin rectangle cube, so I should be able to crush it very easily.

But when I put my teeth on the upper and lower sides of the ice cube, and then applied force to it, I found that I couldn't crush it at all! As I tried harder, the ice cube also felt like it would slip.

So in order to keep the ice from slipping out or into her mouth, Yang Jiahui was also trying to adjust his posture.


Probably because she was running out of her patience, she made a little noise to urge me.

My teeth moved a little in her direction, and I tried to crush the ice again with my teeth, but it still didn’t break.

The ice cube was melting, if this continued...

I saw Yang Jiahui's eyelashes trembling.

Just when I was thinking about crushing it, my lips suddenly touched something soft.

‘Oh no…’

I opened my eyes a little, and only saw her with a pink complexion.

‘This is bad…’


The ice cube was suddenly crushed by Yang Jiahui.

"What the hell are you doing?"

She opened her eyes and looked at me angrily.


"Go to hell!"

I was kicked back by her and lost consciousness for a while.




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