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Part 7

After we decided to use the elimination method, we also chose our first target, and it was Bai Qingyue. There was no other special reason. Shen Qing just thought that it was very easy to conquer her.

It was Wednesday of the second week.

"Can we meet together tonight to... to have dinner?"

"Huh? You want to invite me to dinner? Mhm... That's really rare... Okay."

"Then see you at the school gate after school."

"Eh. You mean we are going to dinner in this ugly school uniform? No, my house is very close here, so you might as well wait for me to change my clothes."

Bai Qingyue seemed to be a little happy about my invitation, and she even pay attention to her dressing. This was enough to show that her level of affection for me was very high.

After school, I went to the commercial area where I bought underwear with Ying last time, which was the only commercial area on the map. I was waiting for Bai Qingyue in a cafe while watching the huge posters of various clothing stores outside the glass windows...

"Classmate Shi. Sorry to keep you waiting for a long time."

Looking back, I saw Bai Qingyue who smiled and greeted me. Sure enough, she was dressed up carefully. She changed into a white shirt and a green retro-style skirt. Her hair was tied and then hung on one side to her shoulder. The beautiful necklace hanging on her chest and the gems on it were shining brightly, and the design of the belt showed that her waist was very slender.

She gave off an elegant lady feeling.

"Uh… it's not too long. Where are we going?"

Damn it. Dating a girl was still hard for me, I didn’t know what to do...

I had also asked Shen Qing this question before, but she only rolled her eyes at me..

"Um... You can decide. By the way, there are still 2 hours before dinner time."

Oh right. It was 4 o'clock now, and my reservation at the western restaurant on the top floor was at 6 o'clock. By the way, the location of the restaurant was also provided by Shen Qing, which was said to be the most suitable place for dating in this game...

But what I had to do now really stumped me. I didn't know what girls like to do.

We were currently at the middle of a big mall, I could see most of the shops in this mall as long as I looked up.

Most of them were clothing stores, in addition to dessert shops, game halls, movie theaters, KTV...

I must calm down. Although Bai Qingyue said so, there must be something she liked to do, right? So which one did she want to visit the most...

I quickly observed her from the corner of my eye. It seemed like she was waiting for my answer, but I had already noticed that her eyes were looking at...KTV from time to time!

This was bad! As a person was not good at signing, if I went there, it would definitely be a bad ending.

"Let’s... let's... go to the game hall!"

"Huh? That place? I've never been there before, but okay."

Bai Qingyue was slightly taken aback, then smiled and agreed to my proposal.

I secretly let out a sigh of relief. It was great that I didn’t need to go to KTV.

The game hall here was located on the second floor, and the holographic game console was a bit old in my opinion. After all, in the age of mature VR equipment, even holographic games had almost disappeared. This was something I learned through movies.

A huge dynamic billboard stood at the entrance of the game hall.

"Points for prizes? Collect 10,000 points to exchange for huge plush toys. Come and participate?"

Huge plush toy? Was it talking about the huge bear toy placed on the glass cabinet in the middle of the hall? It was really huge, It was almost as tall as me...

"That bear is so cute..."

"I see! I will try my best!"

Since she said this, then she must want it, right? I had already let down by not going to KTV here, so I shouldn’t let her down again! Besides, holographic games were too simple for me.

Even though I said that. It took me more than an hour to collect 10,000 points...

"Congratulations, you have won that plush bear."

When I was exhausted from the shooting game equipment, the receptionist handed the big plush bear to my hand.

"I won the bear, please accept it..."

I felt that when I said this, I no longer had much energy...  But as long as she was happy.

"...Thank you, but… I am allergic to plush toys."

Although she was smiling, her tone was full of helplessness...


What? ! I thought she would be happy, but I didn’t expect she would be allergic to it? !

"Originally, I thought you worked so hard because you wanted the bear, but I didn't expect you to give it to me."


She actually... thought I wanted that bear? Sigh, so it was a misunderstanding.

But what was this allergic to plush toy setting?

"Ah, it's almost time for dinner. Let's go!"

When I was dazed, she had already walked to the elevator and called me...


"Your black truffle steak, please enjoy your meal."

Not long after we ordered the food, the waiter gently placed two signature dishes, black truffle steaks, in front of us. Black truffles that had been ground into pieces were sprinkled on the steak and served with a tender mushroom sauce. I would never be able to have this kind of food if it weren't for the game.

The plush teddy bear could only be placed on the side seat, and was now looking at us with round black plastic eyes.

It was very embarrassing...

At this time, the sky was already dark outside. From this height, we could see the orange sky in the distance outside the window, and the little lights of this small city were like stardust scattered by the orange afterglow.

"It's really an enjoyment to have dinner here. The sunset scenery here had a peaceful beauty."

She supported her cheek with one hand and looked out the window quietly.

"Thank you for inviting me today. It's fun to have fun with you... If we can, we should come out often in the future."

Well, although there was an embarrassing teddy bear incident, since she said so, it meant that my date today had not failed, right?


She suddenly showed an intriguing smile.

"But girls don't always take the initiative, so Classmate Shi you need to seize the opportunity."


"That's how it ended."

The next day, the Wednesday of the second week after entering the game, I found Shen Qing again to explain what happened yesterday. The location was still the same rooftop.

"So it seems that she herself is very interested in you... She is really a fickle woman. Forget it, this is good for our mission."

However, when I checked the book of Level of Affection at noon and found that Level of Affection had become 63... That was to say, it had gone up by 5 points? !

In one day, it only went up by five points.

"Do you think it's so easy to chase girls? Even in Gal Games, it is still not that easy, "

"Don't talk about that first. What did she mean when she said 'girls don't always take the initiative'?"

"It's tiring to explain this kind of idiot question to a virgin..."

She spread her hands and said.

I was already used to at this level of ridicule, so I did not refute but patiently listened to her opinions.

"Girls are reserved, even if she has a good impression of you, if you don't take the initiative to find her, don't expect her to take the initiative to find you."

"But Ying is always looking for me every day?"

"Well, your virtual girlfriend is indeed an exception... She is a self-aware AI, or she was rescued by you. You are her only bond in this world, plus she may lack a sense of security. So she will pester you every day. It is a wrong idea to compare Ying with other ordinary girls."

"Huh? Is that so..."

"Why does 'virgin' have so many problems, it's so annoying."

"Why do you always use the word 'virgin' to express your contempt for me? Is there anything wrong with a virgin, or that you are no longer..."

"……go to hell!"

As a result, today’s discussion ended with me being kicked in the stomach.

According to Shen Qing, the level of affection between me and Bai Qingyue may have entered the level of "affection between men and women" instead of the previous "affection between ordinary friends". And she suspected that if the Level of Affection reached 80, the confession would have a high chance of success.

But a date could only increase by 5 points Level of Affection, this efficiency was really low.

But after I complained this way, Shen Qing's response was 'No one would not even agree to date you in reality'

Fortunately, our purpose was only to probe her, I didn't need to reach 80 points of Level of Affection.

Guided by Shen Qing, Bai Qingyue's Level of Affection toward me finally reached 72 on Friday.

"72 is barely possible, now reload the game back to Wednesday, and immediately check Level of Affection."

According to Shen Qing, playing the game as an NPC in the game was extremely boring, so she only hoped that I would end the mission as soon as possible...

Anyway, I returned as scheduled and found Fei Fei...

"Huh? It really fell down! Only 58!"

I then found Bai Qingyue and asked her if she remembered dating and stuffed toys. She was confused about what I said. She even asked me why I knew she was allergic to plush toys, but I quickly found an excuse that I myself also didn’t believe to fool her.

It was not 100% reliable, but it was also the best method in the current situation. The experiment of Bai Qingyue successfully proved that the Level of Affection would be cleared after reloading the game.

Although in the book of Level of Affection, there were some suspicious areas, such Lin Liyu’s Level of Affection had never increased. However, according to the current plan, the next testing subject was Yang Jiahui.


Yang Jiahui had been working outside of school, and I had been buying cakes in the Xingyuan Bakery. I had not had any additional interaction with her, so our Level of Affection was only 30 now...

This Level of Affection could be said to be just that of ordinary classmates that had not even become friends, and it was completely impossible to invite her on a date. If I wanted to increase her Level of Affection, I may need an event or opportunity. Based on the experience of the Shuiyuan Weina concert in "The Story Of Cherry Blossoms", this opportunity was generally a crisis. If I could help her overcome this crisis, the Level of Affection would increase very quickly. Even if it was not for helping her overcome the crisis, shared experiences would also increase her favorability.

But where to find this crisis?

"——Idiot Yuan!"

I didn’t know why this dummy liked to call me an idiot.

"You don’t want to eat cake anymore? Didn’t I tell you to stop calling me that?"

"You're an idiot, what's wrong with calling you an idiot. Ow… It hurts! Stop pulling my hair!"


"Is it troublesome to make a cake?"

After being educated by me, this silly girl finally learned to sit in a chair obediently.

"Yes. It takes a long time to make a cake."

"But I heard a few people say that they have to order a lot of cakes for a party, and they didn't know where to order them. I really want to recommend the cakes from Xingyuan Bakery to them."

"What does this have to do with me… Wait!"

There were often close connections between seemingly unrelated things…

"Fei Fei! You are really a genius!"

Since she was acting as a guide, the intention of this piece of information chat was obvious. What I needed to do was to recommend them to Xingyuan Bakery, and once the Xingyuan Bakery took the order, they would have to make a lot of cakes.

Then they would be short of staff, and as long as I apply for a job, I would have the opportunity to make cakes with Yang Jiahui...

"Huh? I don't know what you mean, but of course I am a genius! Huh! Put me down and don't lift me up like a kid! I'm not...not happy at all!"

Fei Fei, who was lifted up by me, didn’t seem to understand how much she had helped me, but it didn’t matter. At this time, in my opinion, her silly look was more cute than usual...

"Today's underwear is also very cute!"

"Idiot Yuan! You, where are you looking! Put me down and don't peek at other people's underwear!"

Fei Fei, who finally spotted where I was looking, struggled to suppress her fluffy skirt.

"Do you know where I can find the people you were just talking about?"

After spinning while holding Fei Fei up high for nearly five minutes, I finally put down Fei Fei, whose eyes had already turned into two spirals.

"I heard that they are some kind of student union...l...I'm so dizzy..."

So it was the students from the student union.

"Good girl, I will bring you cake next time!"

——Leaving Fei Fei, who was happy because of my promise to bring cake, I found the student union without much effort.

Sure enough, it was a task for the players. After so long, they still hadn't decided where to order the cake...

I pretended to be a passerby and successfully recommended the Xingyuan Bakery to them.


After school, I immediately waited near the bakery, only to discover something very shocking. Yang Jiahui was in the alley next to the bakery, talking to a few young men and women.

The tattoos and costumes of several young men and women told me that they were the delinquents.

I approached the alley quietly from the side--

"——Why are you doing this? Taking some pocket money from elementary and junior high school students is much better than working in the bakery, right?" A young man said.

"I've said that I won't do those things again, you also need to stop id as soon as possible."

And this was Yang Jiahui's voice.

"You are no longer the Yang Jiahui we know, and you forgot about our past."

"What, do you want to fight me?"

There was no fear in Yang Jiahui's tone.

Obviously this was an emergency that urgently needed me to come forward. It involved the dark history of the heroine of this game. But jumping out now would make me look like an idiot, right?

The answer was yes.

"Didn’t you hear that she said no? Don't force her."

I pretended to be some badass guy and walked out. Although the school uniform on my body ruined the image I tried to create a lot.

"Who are you?! Are you an idiot?"

"It seems to be in the same school with her! And he is alone!"

"A lone? And he dares to come out to intervene in our business? There must be something wrong with his head."

"... what are you doing here?" Yang Jiahui looked at me annoyingly, behaving like a delinquent girl.

"This is the helper you got? A nerd? You are going to hit us with text books?”

"Not my helper, you guys shut up!"

Yang Jiahui couldn't help but expose her hot temper and shouted at the other delinquents.

"That's good, we won’t fight you, but it doesn’t mean that we won’t fight this stupid nerd.”

"Stop talking nonsense, come and fight me."




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