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Part 7

"Finally I have the opportunity to study the legendary GA... No, I mean, I have a chance to dress her up."

Looking at Shen Qing talking to herself like this, I suddenly felt like I was being tricked. Wasn't her purpose at the beginning to be alone with Ying and then to find clues to that legendary galgame?

As for what kind of clothes Shen Qing would choose for Ying, it was a mystery to me, because Shen Qing pushed me out... When I came back, they had already left my flat.

According to the subsequent call with Ying, she seemed to want to surprise me…


It was obvious that this was a coastal city, but players could not see the beach, which could only be said that probably the development team didn’t have sufficient funding.

But now, this wish could only be satisfied in the artificial beach of the water park.

——However, for me, the reason why I wanted to go to the beach was to see girls in wet bikinis. In this regard, the water park and the beach were the same. So I didn't have too many complaints.

And it also seemed that I had come to the water park too early, I didn’t see anyone I knew in the huge water park.

Feeling bored, I started to observe this water park. As written in the leaflet, it was indeed a water park with rich amusement facilities. There were more than 10 water slides with different heights.

Slides or water guns were the best things in the water park. If the knot of the bikini was accidentally washed away by the strong water, how wonderful the scene would be...

Thinking of this, I couldn’t wait to see other people.

After observing the rides for a while, I was bored and picked up the newspaper at hand to read, but then I was was attracted by the headlines of the newspaper——

“Murderers frequently appear on rainy nights, citizens need to be careful when traveling.”

Rainy night murderer?

The following article explained it in detail. It was said that he only appeared on rainy nights, and because the killer was wearing a raincoat so no one could see the killer’s face. The killer would brutally kill the target with a knife, but killers didn’t seem to have any patterns in choosing a target...

Eh? Why would a romantic dating simulation game have a killer this kind of thing? Was this some kind of april fool joke? But it was not April yet.

But this was bad, if Ying and Shen Qing ran into this rainy night murderer, they might be in danger. I had to remind them later...

Since it was the killer would only appear on rainy nights, I hoped it would always be sunny in the next few days.


Suddenly, I heard someone calling me.


The first person to come out of the women’s locker room turned out to be Ying—the pure white swimsuit on her was really eye-catching. I couldn’t even move eyes away from her.

"I don't want Yuan to wait for a long time, so I change it as fast as possible. Shall we go to the slide over there together?"

She seemed to blush a little by my sight, which was strangely different than how she behaved normally...

But then she saw the slide and the beach in the distance, her eyes flashing with yearning in an instant.

"It's so noisy, I really don't want to come to such a boring place."

The person who spoke this was undoubtedly only Shen Qing...

Although she wore a similar style swimsuit as Ying, it was black and had a piece of translucent cloth around her waist. The slender figure of her was not as curvy as Ying, but it was also very eye-catching. Wasn’t this the swimsuit she bought at the shop that day?

"There is no need to rush. Let’s wait for everyone, and also, please let go of my arm first..."

"If Yuan said so, then..."

Then the students slowly came out of the changing room, including Lin Liyu. She was wearing a sky blue swimsuit today, and her orange hair was tied into a long ponytail. She looked much more energetic this way.

"Classmate Shi, you changed your clothes so quickly."

I exchanged greetings with her, and then I saw a tall figure with a brown ponytail.

She was our English teacher. Her name seemed to be Han Yaqian, why was she here?

If I had to describe it, I could only use the word “busty”... Everyone's eyes were attracted to her instantly. As expected of the body of a mature woman, and her plump breasts were bouncing up and down as she walked—— If I buried my face in that thing, I would suffocate and die, right?...

Compared to her, Shen Qing’s body was much more pitiful…

"The class teacher also invited me to come, since I have nothing to do on the weekend, I agreed."

I looked at the honest-looking class teacher next to me and sighed with amazement. It turned out that he wasn’t that honest at all.  

Part 8

"Yo~~ Classmate Shi, want to come to enjoy the sunshine together?"

Obviously, there were so many classmates here, but the teacher went straight to me and bent down and invited me... Was it because of the protagonist's aura?

Wow, all I saw was her fair-skin and busty bre***... I tried my best to look away.


This was not because I was scared, but if I agreed to the teacher's request, Ying, who stared at me motionlessly, would go berserker immediately and destroy the world...

"Um... what a pity."

When the teacher heard my refusal, she shook her head and walked towards the beach alone.

"Yuan, come and play the slide with me."

Ying slowly walked over after everyone dispersed and went to find the rides they liked to play. She didn't look very happy, she didn't have the usual gentle smile on her face...


Not many people would notice our little date, right?...

"Yuan is really popular. I just didn’t keep my eyes on you for a few seconds, a woman with big breasts came to seduce Yuan. I'm really afraid that Yuan will abandon me and be taken away from me..."

"No, I won’t do that..."

The look in her eyes darkened again. This reaction was very bad...

"...If Yuan abandons me, then I should destroy this world, hahahahaha..."

Ying raised her head, but her eyes were no longer focused, and staring blankly forward as if she was facing the void.

"Hey! Calm down! That's not the way to solve the problem!"

I shook her body.

She was really a humanoid bomb that could not be neglected for a moment... 

Fortunately she was a humanoid bomb that would listen to me, so as long as I guided her in the right direction. 

Although it sounded easy, it was actually not that easy...

"Listen, everything I do here is just to complete the task. Actually, I only have Ying in my heart, and I won't be attracted to big breasts, so you must also trust me!"



"So is Boyfriend Stealer?"

Her unfocused eyes looked at Shen Qing lying on a chair in the distance.

"Of course, Ying is the cutest! Shen Qing and I are just ordinary friends."

"...Ah, it's so embarrassing. Yuan, why do you suddenly praise me..."

Ying cupped her pink cheeks with her hands.

"Tsk. Stupid couple..."

Shen Qing showed unconcealed contempt for our disgustingly sweet interaction...

"So, let's go take the highest slide!"


Ying's finger was pointing at the yellow slide that was the highest slide in the entire water park. 

If my estimation was correct, the slide was about 20 meters high and almost vertical.

It was a nightmare for me who dared not ride a roller coaster.

"I mean Ying, would you like to think about it again..."

"Huh? That looks the most fun, I just wanted to play this."

Ying looked at me suspiciously. 

She didn't seem to understand that I was 'scared'... 

As a virtual character, did she have no 'fear' of weightlessness?

"Yuan is so strange, is it because you don't like that color?"

——No, if I said that I was afraid of the height of the slide, I would definitely lose face in front of my girlfriend, right? 

Ying was looking forward to playing that slide. If I refused her, her first trip to the water park would definitely end with regret...

"——Who said that I don’t like it! I like that slide very much! Yes, very much!"

No, I couldn’t let her leave regrets. It was just a water slide! It would just be finished in just a few seconds!

——However, it turned out that in this game, not only the pain felt very realistic, but also the simulation of weightlessness was very real too.

After sliding down the 20-meter slide, my legs were shaking when I climbed out of the pool.

Ying next to me was not afraid at all. At this time, I really envied virtual characters who couldn’t experience the fear of weightlessness.

However, Ying was now wet all over, and water dripped from her body to the ground, and the tightly wrapped swimsuit revealed the outlines of some part of her body underneath the swimsuit...

"Yuan, let's go to the artificial beach over there!"

She leaned over and hugged my arm, her wet body pressed against me, as if she deliberately pressed her chest toward my arm!

It felt good, but...

"Don't do this, you will be seen by other NPCs..."

At this time, we must also consider the task!

The artificial waves hit the beach again and again, smoothing out the footprints left by Ying who was walking on the beach.

"Classmate Shi, don't you want to come and sit together?"

Our English teacher, Han Yaqian, greeted me with a smile on the couch not far from me.

I always felt that this teacher was a bit too enthusiastic, although Shen Qing said that this NPC seemed to be the dating simulation guide in this game. That was to say, she would help players to conquer other girls in the game.

"No, no thanks..."

Part 9

"Classmate Shi is really shy. But you are really funny. By the way, can you get me a glass of lemonade?"

If it was just lemonade, then it was okay.

I took out the lemonade from the cooler next to me and gave it to her, but I didn’t expect it to be that simple.

"Oh, I seem to have a heat stroke... Can Classmate Shi use your hand that has held a cold lemonade to help me cool down."

She closed her eyes and said, grabbing my hand and pressing it against her forehead. 

I mean, why do you specifically mention that it needed to be my hand!

"Teacher, what are you doing!"

"It's so hot here. I think I have a heatstroke..."

"Then why do you pull my hand toward your chest, heatstroke doesn’t affect the chest, right?"

I tried my best to resist her and tried to pull my hand back, prevent it from being pulled toward her plump breast...

Although I had also fantasized about classroom uniform play in the past, now I already had a girlfriend, even if she was the ideal busty sister that I had fantasized about in the past, I still couldn’t accept it.

Slu* teacher... 

This was how Shen Qing reminded me. She said that this was Ms. Han’s character setting.

"Huh? WIll not affect breasts? Then which part of the body does Classmate Shi think the heatstroke will affect?"

This was also the first time that I had touched such mature breasts. 

Originally, I always thought that only girls’ brea** were the best, but that opinion of mine seemed to be flawed. 

In fact, big breasts were also great.

"Or, do you think it will affect here...?"

Eh? Where was she going to pull my hand to?

Don’t tell me she is going to…

No, no! My hand kept moving down her body! 

Somebody help me!

"—Is there anything I can help here?"

Unexpectedly, it was not Ying or Shen Qing that suddenly appeared and rescued me but Lin Liyu. 

Then my hand could finally be taken back. I didn't know whether my mood at this moment was ecstatic or melancholy...

The women in this game were very brave and aggressive. My heart almost couldn’t take it.

"Classmate Lin Liyu, our teacher, she has heatstroke, so you have to take care of her quickly!"

I pushed the teacher's hand to Lin Liyu.

"Huh? I don't know how to take care of someone with heatstroke..."

"It doesn't matter, just put your cold hand on your forehead!"

"You sure?"

"I’m fine now, thank you, classmate Lin."

This woman turned down Lin Liyu's care all of a sudden. 

She was definitely faking it to tease me in the beginning, right? As expected, all the elder sisters in the dating simulation games like to tease virgi**.

"Fortunately, it wasn’t seen by your virtual girlfriend. Otherwise, not only this world would be destroyed, but our lives would be in danger too." Shen Qing sneered and said.

I didn’t know when Shen Qing appeared near me. 

Since she saw it, why didn't she help me?

"Ying is no longer who she was at that time. I believe she will not become violent easily."

"Are you just deceiving yourself?"

"Anyway, this can be regarded as the trigger of Lin Liyu's storyline. Let me see how you can conquer her while preventing your girlfriend from destroying the world."

After she finished speaking, she turned and left.

 I looked at Ying with a yellow duck swimming ring in the distance, floating in the artificial waves——

Maybe I was really deceiving myself, if she really saw it, but might be Gameover.

——But even if she was really a dangerous time bomb, I had to be the one who guided her to be an ordinary girl.

After all, this was the girlfriend I brought out by myself, and the first girl who was willing to accept me unconditionally…




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