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Volume 2 Autumn~Rain of Love~


What is it like to meet a beautiful girl who is naked and a beautiful girl who is half naked when you wake up? 

The answer is: What kind of romantic comedy is this?

In short, after having the virtual girlfriend Ying, I received the first task from Debug Organisation: Searching for the self-conscious artificial intelligence in the domestic dating sim ‘Autumn ~ Rain of Love~’. Faced with a girlfriend whose temperament has changed drastically and a sharp-tongued friend… this task is not going well since the beginning.

Prologue The Beginning Of Unusual Romantic Comedy

Wanting to have a girlfriend. I believed that this was the dream of many single men in reality.

You could avoid your own loneliness, you could be cared for by others, you could share your happiness and sorrow together. To put it bluntly, you could vent your pent up desires.

The increasingly unbalanced ratio of men and women has made it more and more difficult for a man to find a partner, so it was natural for the words like Single Dog and Fat Otaku to appear.


I felt a lot of brightness through my eyelids. It seemed to be morning. But it did not matter. It did not affect me to continue to sleep in bed and contemplate my life. After all, there were too many things that had happened recently.

Reality was not a game, nor was it an anime, novel, or comic. Things like a beautiful girl would want to go out with you regardless of what kind of person you were was entirely impossible in reality.

I, Shi YuanXing, could use my own experience as a guarantee. In reality, beautiful girls would not take the initiative to approach you, nor would they take the initiative to like you. It did not mean anything if they spoke to you or smiled at you.

If you were not tall, wealthy and handsome, the reality would be very cruel to you. This was just the law of nature.


If you were not special, you could only blame yourself if you got rejected after confessing to the beautiful girls in the class.

It was a pity that girls in reality wouldn't be delighted for a crepe or macarons, and of course they wouldn't be grateful to you just because you took them to an aquarium or amusement park.

"Yuan… Wakey-wakey."

After all, it was a foolish act to please real girls with the things that people have been tired of since childhood.

Hmm...it felt very sad to think about it. Shen Qing's attitude towards me illustrated the cruelty of reality.

This was the real beauty girl...

However, in this era, the rapid development of the information society and the expansion of virtual reality represented by VR and AR have eased the status quo of Homeboy and Single Dogs to a certain extent.

The emergence of artificial intelligence and smart companions has made people’s empty daily lives a bit of interesting. As long as you had a little money, you could always have a smart companion tailored to you. They would be with you at all times, dispeling your loneliness, and enriching your inner life. .

Smart companions = considerate, so virtual girlfriends were not a bad choice. However, AI was only AI after all. Well-designed algorithms and programs could not fully satisfy the emotional life of human beings. Whether the final gain was meaningless or not, it varied from person to person.

"C’mon wake up."

Why did I feel that someone haD been calling me? And it was a girl's voice.

"...Yuan... I will pull a prank on you if you don't wake up!"

It was a familiar feeling. I reached my hand out of the quilt and scratched my head.

"Yuan, your hand just passed through my body..."

What body?

Wait, this voice...

I suddenly opened my eyes and saw the young girl on top of me... Her hair fell on cheek, but I didn't really feel it.


"Yuan! Good morning!"

She smiled brightly. Speaking of which, I did have an artificial intelligence I brought out of the game world, and it was my girlfriend...

Today’s contemplation was interrupted by Ying.

"Good morning, Ying... Wait! Why are you in my bed!... And why are you naked!"

The beautiful girl in front of me didn’t wear any clothes. Under her long pink hair, her sparkling eyes were directly looking into my eyes. Her fair skin looked like silk in the sun, and her face looked cute and dainty. All of them showed that she was not a girl from this country.

Ying just lay prone on the bed with me. I swallowed. Why was she naked!

Yuchuan Ying: This super cute girl was a self-conscious artificial intelligence that I brought out from a game not long ago. That was a wonderful experience. Even until now, it still felt like a dream. There may be artificial intelligence like hers in other games, and they may cause a series of problems.

After the crisis was solved satisfactorily, Yuchuan Ying eventually became my "gaming girlfriend" in reality.

"Because... the only thing extracted from the game is me, and there is no way to bring out any clothes. Yuan, did you forget? Didn't the boss just explain that to you yesterday? He said something like ‘You need to solve your girlfriend's clothes by yourself’." 

I didn't know when Su You also started to use "your girlfriend" to address Ying, but this was not the point. After all, compared to the upheaval changes in my life, this kind of thing could almost be ignored.

So why did things become like this——

"Ah... yes, there is indeed such a thing."

To explain this, I needed to start with Ying being stored in the 'Garden of Eden'. At that time, Ying had been emotionally unstable because I was not around. As long as the data was activated, she would behave wildly.

After my repeated requests, the boss—Su You agreed to let me take care of her—that was, to add some functions to Ying's data so that she could be displayed on my microcomputer.

For this reason, I borrowed some money to buy a contact-lens-type microcomputer.

Saying that it was a 'microcomputer', in fact, the calculation function of this contact lens was not very strong. It was mainly used as a display screen.

If there were a lot of calculations, then it would need to communicate with other powerful microcomputers. For me it was a microcomputer on my wrist.

Then, probably the program was installed unknowingly while I was sleeping.

Although it was indeed an extremely pretty view that Ying had no clothes on now, but...

"Yuan, don't you like it? Am I not plump enough?"

She grabbed her breasts as she spoke, looking confused.

"No, no, the c cup is enough for me! It's just..."

It was just such a virtual body, which could only be seen but not touched. It was a torture for me!

"Just what?"

There was no trace of shame in Ying's words and actions. She did not even want to cover up some parts that were too stimulating to minors...

"It's just... Please don't move anymore! If this goes on, I’ll see everything!"

Especially the way she sat up now. After all, the virtual image could not really interact with the actual objects, so the quilt that was barely able to cover her body also passed through her body.

Fortunately, her lower body overlapped with the quilt and mattress, so it was not fully shown in front of me.

"I don’t mind if Yuan sees it. I belonged to Yuan both physically and mentall anyway. Although I can't call it a physical body at the moment, I don’t have a problem making some seductive postures, so Yuan can choke the chicken happily.”

After speaking, Ying deliberately moved her hands away from her chests and put on a very seductive posture.

"Stop! It's too stimulating in the morning. Girls should wear clothes. Find something to wear. Ying, are you okay? Why do I feel that you have changed a lot?”

When did my girlfriend have this kind of character? And where did she learn these strange words?

"Is it?"

"Don't you realize it yourself!"

"Maybe I am a self-aware artificial intelligence. I remember that in the past, I really wanted to do something and change myself, but I failed, so I could only have that kind of character."

Ying tilted her head thoughtfully, of course she still didn't want to cover her chest.

"How should I put it? I didn’t have any freedom in my original world. I could only do things that I was designed to do and behaved in the way that I was designed to behave. Everything you knew about me in the past was designed in advance. Even if I had memory, I still couldn’t change it. But now that kind of restriction has completely disappeared. I can finally be myself, and express my true feelings freely!”

This should be the limitation on the character setting of the game system itself. I remembered that the boss seemed to have mentioned such a phenomenon. The extracted AI sometimes was quite different from the original setting.

But if this was the case, what happened to the formatting phenomenon similar to data corruption caused by Ying in the end? After leaving the game, she herself didn't seem to know why she could do that kind of thing.

I decided to ask the boss next time.

"Yuan saved me. Yuan is my boyfriend, so I am Yuan’s. Yuan can do anything to me. This is my current will."

"I'm sorry… If I could meet you sooner..."

Limited by the system, everything she experienced was beyond my imagination. This made me feel sorry for her. I subconsciously raised my hand to stroke her head.

But it wasn't until my hand passed through her pink hair that I realized that I couldn't even provide this level of comfort.

"No, Yuan, I am very happy that I could meet you."

Perhaps she could sense my dispirited feeling, Ying took the initiative to adjust her body.


"How about now? Yuan, you feel very touched, right?"

"Go find a dress to wear!"

"Huh? Why? Yuan you are so dense!”

Ying puffed up her cheeks angrily and raised her head to stare at me resentfully.

"Yes, I was almost touched just now! If you moved your head toward my hand instead of your chest!"

"There is no difference between my head and my chest. Both are part of my body."

"No! Since you say you are mine, then just listen to me and put on a dress! Otherwise, if you are doing this everyday, my body can’t take it!"

"Since Yuan said so, I will do it. But I have a request."


"Mhm, I want Yuan to choose clothes for me."

This was really hard for me. I was a straight guy, why did I have to choose clothes for girls?

"In The Story Of Cherry Blossoms, I had always had only two clothes, school uniform and daily dress. Now I don’t even have these two. So I hope I can wear different clothes this time. By the way, as long as it is the clothes Yuan chose, I like all of them."

Ying could trust me this much, I didn’t know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. If I didn't choose clothes for her, she would probably stay naked like this forever, and she would never take the initiative to put on clothes.

"Let me think about it, but Ying, can you turn around first?"


Ying tilted her head slightly and looked at me.

"I want to change clothes."

"Why do I turn around when you change clothes? Can't I as a girlfriend see Yuan changing clothes? Or Yuan doesn’t like me now? Ah, I see, it must but that cat, right. She must have seduced Yuan.."

What exactly did Ying learn! Did she refer to Shen Qing when she talked about that cat? Impossible, absolutely impossible, even if the men all over the world died, I was confident that the terrible girl would not seduce me.

But as soon as this idea came out, I felt a little lost... after all, it was indeed a fact.

"Anyway, you can’t! Even if it's a virtual girlfriend who only I can see..."

"Yuan calls me 'girlfriend'..."

Ying muttered to herself.

Although I was happy, I didn’t expect her character to be so different from the game——

"And I'm going to take a shower. Although you are a virtual body, please don't enter the bathroom..."

"That means, I can't see Yuan's body? Although a little embarrassed, I actually really want to—"

‘You are embarrassed? You are almost drooling! Don't look at me like that!’

"Okay, okay, get out quickly!"

‘Damn it, there is nothing good about the virtual body, I can't do anything to it at all.’

I really didn't know how those who used 'smart companions’ would endure this. Probably the only solution was to an android? But that was too expensive, it was not affordable for ordinary people...

Because today was the weekend, we did not have classes. While taking a bath, I wittily turned off all the sensing functions in the microcomputer except for sound capture. Because of this, Ying was angry for a long time.

"I’ve thought about it... If I need to buy clothes for the virtual character, I can go to the virtual clothing stores..."

The virtual clothing stores were located in the "virtual realm", which was the virtual world on the Internet specially set up for the virtual avatars of human beings.

Because clothes were probably the basic needs of human beings (especially women), countless different styles of clothing were born.

In the era of artificial intelligence and virtual reality, most brands had virtual clothing stores. One was to provide online clothing try-on Services, and the other was to provide clothing for human avatars. In the "virtual realm", the prices of the clothes were also a hundred times cheaper than in reality, which could satisfy people's vanity to some extent.

But if I chose clothes for Ying, I believed that my aesthetics would ruin Ying. It stood to reason that only a girl would know what clothes suited other girls better, right?

But neither Ying nor I had female friends who could give some advice...

Wait, if it was a woman, there was someone I could ask...

Although I really didn't want to ask her, I took a look at Ying, who was still naked and didn't mind my gaze.

I had to go for the little angel!

I walked towards the 'forbidden area', and finally stopped in front of the crimson wooden door.

The owner of this restricted area was a person named "Waning Moon", which sounded strange, but this was just her online name. Waning Moon was a netizen I met not long ago, or an acquaintance. Our relationship online could be described as we would ridicule and despite each other very often. Of course, in most cases, I was unilaterally ridiculed by her.

Especially after knowing the true identity of Waning Moon, this one-sided situation became more obvious.

After all, Waning Moon, whose language and interests were exactly the same as those of an otaku, was actually my classmate at the university. She was the famous ice beauty Shen Qing. 

God seemed to have made a ridiculous joke. I joined the mysterious organization for some reason and now lived with her under the same roof.

To put it bluntly, it was cohabitation. If other students knew about it, it would definitely shock the entire university! There would be rumours everywhere about me living in the same room with the famous ice beauty and doing indescribable things with her... My normal life would be completely ruined by it.

We just knew each other online, and we didn't really live in the same room. And this ice beauty was actually a sharp-tongued otaku who loved dating sims like GALGAME! No one would believe this explanation...

Give me a break... I sighed deeply.

Anyway Ying was waiting in my room. Due to surveillance reasons, Shen Qing's computer was connected to my computer, which meant she could also see Ying. Based on the relationship between the two of them and Ying's current state… It was better not to ask Ying to appear at this time.

I just needed to knock on the door and ask a few questions. There was no need to be so nervous...

However, just as my hand was about to knock on the door, the door suddenly opened in front of me.

With short tousled brown hair and one side of her bangs covering one of her eyes, Shen Qing, who was wearing only black bras and underwear, appeared in front of me sleepily, without any warning. She even forgot to cover her body, and the two of us were stunned at the same time.

"Tsk… What are you doing here? Didn't I ask you not to get close to my room!"

After a few seconds, she revealed an expression of disdain, raising a hand and covering her chest casually... but she didn’t seem to want to cover her lower body.

"I...I just want to ask you something, who knew you would open the door suddenly!"

Compared with Ying, Shen Qing was obviously taller and did not give off a plump cute feeling. They had two different temperaments. However, when her fair skin was revealed in front of me in such a way, it still made me dizzy. Perhaps it was because she usually had a good diet, she had slender limbs and slim waist.

"Who cares about you, haven't you seen enough? You blocked me from getting my mail."

Shen Qing looked at me in disgust, making me stop thinking about asking her for advice.

"Why do you... dress like this?"

"Why can’t I dress like this? Get out of the way, virgin."


I originally wanted to tell her to go back and put on a dress. But it seemed that she didn't have this thought at all. 

"Also, I shouldn't have interfered with your private life, but since Ying is already on your computer, she can also directly see the things you have downloaded and browsed. After getting out of The Story Of Cherry Blossoms, the first thing she comes into contact with can determine the future direction of her personality. You'd better lock all the dirty files you have."

After speaking, she walked away quickly without looking back.

This situation was really bad. But her figure was also great, slim and slender, but her chest was slightly flat.

Wait! This was not the point! I was an 18-year-old virgin with a normal body. What Shen Qing referred to were some indescribable movies and websites... It turned out that Ying became like that because of me? ? ? ?

Why didn't she remind me earlier! It may be too late now... 


Ying's voice came from the earphone. Fortunately, she didn't know the situation here… Otherwise I really didn't know how to explain it.

It was all my fault. The cute innocent little angel was led astray by me and turned into a lecherous succubus... 

‘I'm sorry Ying…’

Back in the room, Ying looked at me worriedly.

"Yuan? Why is your face so pale? Are you hurt?"

She keenly discovered the problem... Sure enough, only a considerate girlfriend could give me comfort at this time, although her personality has changed.



An icon representing important new information suddenly popped up in the field of vision.

[Su You: Are you there? 】

It was the message from Su You… 

I simply responded yes.

[Su You: There is no class today, right? There is a task for you. 】

In this way, the first mission came unexpectedly.

Chapter 1 The beginning of the love trio 

Shen Qing, Su You, and I sat around the dining table on the first floor.

The boss's dress was the same as usual, a simple shirt and jacket, handsome and natural yellow short hair. It must be said that handsome people could dress any clothes and dye their hair any colour they liked without giving off cringy feelings. If it were others, they may easily look like Emos, but for Su You, a player whose skills and look were both at the top of the gaming community, he gave off an entirely different feeling.

"To make a long story short. Just this morning, the  'programmer' found a clue to a new Awakened AI."

For convenience, we named those self-aware AIs called 'Awakened AI'.

"The game is called "Autumn~Rain of Love~", it is a dating sim——"

As he said, the information of the game was displayed in the AR space so that we could see it after we wear AR glasses.

After seeing the game’s logo and character introduction floating above the dining table, my first impression was that it must be a depression-healing game!

In order to let us understand it better, Su You later showed several promotional videos of the game. 

"Your first official mission should have been guided by me, but due to the recent busy schedule, I could only ask Waning Moon to do it."

It was very straightforward.

‘Let me be with Waning Moon? This guy was notoriously difficult to get along with in our college, doesn’t the boss know?’

"Huh? You want me to go with this guy?"

Unexpectedly, Waning Moon reacted faster than me and stood up to oppose.

"What's wrong?"

Su You looked at Shen Qing suspiciously, it could be seen that he did not know Waning Moon's true character.

She must have pretended to be well-behaved and obedient in front of the boss!

"No, it's not, but this guy..."

She looked at me with disdain...

I couldn’t let her bully me...

"Excuse me, do you have any dissatisfaction?"

"When it comes to dissatisfaction, there is a lot."

"I’m listening."

"First of all, you are just an ordinary college student, right? With your ability, let alone find the AI

and bring it out, it is very likely that you will encounter danger. Isn't the encounter in "The Story Of Cherry Blossoms" a perfect example?"

"Huh? Are you worried about my safety?"

"Hehe, what makes you have this illusion? Do you have a chimpanzee brain?"

Shen Qing raised her arms and looked down at me. At this time, she naturally did not dress like how she dressed in the morning, but wore light shorts and a jacket with a playful vest to resist the summer heat. If she did not speak, she would indeed be a very cute girl.

Only when she was not talking.

"If I were a chimpanzee, then you wouldn't be any better as a classmate of a chimpanzee."

"Waning Moon, of course I have thought about this as well."

Su You interrupted in time and stopped our quarrel. My idol's words came with a bit of majesty, and Waning Moon temporarily stopped arguing with me.

"Remember that when this organization was just established, we had only three people. Now the number of people in the organization is about to exceed a hundred. It is not easy for a non-governmental organization to get to where it is today. There is neither a channel for large-scale recruitment of members nor a rich reward. What we have is the idea of persevering together, and the spirit of not giving up every possible companion. Awakened AI's incidents of harming people have been occurring repeatedly in recent years, and everyone who is willing to join the organization is fighting to save people. You and Shi YuanXing understand this, right?"

Ashamed, my consciousness was not as noble as Su You said. After all, half of the reason I participated was because Ying was here...

"Even with this kind of spirit, this will not change the fact that he is just an ordinary person! After all, not everything in this world can be achieved only by the spirits of some people. What is more important is ability. Is he really capable of protecting himself in front of the awakened AI?"

"You are right, not everything can be accomplished by spirits, but don't forget that there are many things that can be accomplished by spirits. Besides, Shi YuanXing does not just have spirits."

"What does that mean……"

This time it was Shen Qing's turn to be confused. But I vaguely knew what Su You was about to say.

"Waning Moon, did you forget that Shi YuanXing’s rank is very high in the second tier in the Brawl Fighting Arena, and he is about to advance to the first tier ."


'Brawl Fighting Arena' was currently the most popular competitive game. It not only had original characters, but also included popular characters from most games on the market. The ranking of the 1v1 mode was the main reference for the player's level in the game.

In addition to some original characters, the other available characters in the game were popular game characters from many other game companies. This was a big selling point of this game. Magic and guns, dragon knights and fighters, fantasy creatures and robots, angels and human-shaped mobile weapons, it was simply dazzling and amazing.

In this game, I was only one step away from the first tier, which only had 1,000 players. It could be said that this was an achievement worth showing off.

Of course Shen Qing knew about this game, because I have seen her profile. She was 3 tiers behind me... just a total noob.


Sure enough, there was silence.

There was no need to hide my rank. It was always displayed in the profile of my avatar, so Shen Qing naturally knew my rank. By the way, the number one player named "Heavenly God" was Su You, who was sitting across the table and listening to our argument with a smile.

He was the well-known number one, with a winning percentage of 88.29%, and most people's winning percentage remained at 48%-52%, which meant that his winning percentage was unreasonable.

It was a monster among monsters. I may not last for three seconds if I really had a match with him.

"Shi YuanXing has a strong sense of responsibility and a certain level of game skills. As an organization member, he couldn't be more suitable, right?"

Su You finally concluded with a rhetorical question.

However, Shen Qing did not seem to intend to stop giving me a hard time...

"Even so, but he..."

Wait, Shen Qing, who had always been arrogant, suddenly had a hesitating attitude...

If I was not wrong, was she going to tell the boss what happened in the morning? !

She obviously didn't react that much back then, but why now...

"Ah! I apologize for what happened in the morning! I knocked on the door in the morning just to ask if you want to have breakfast together. I'm really sorry that something like that happened unexpectedly! I have been deeply repenting after the incident. I really shouldn't approach the room you are in. This happened because of my ignorance. I promise that this kind of thing will never happen again, Please give me another chance!"

I uttered a large amount of apology in one breath, not giving Shen Qing a chance to speak at all.

"Wha, what!—"

Even Shen Qing was stunned by my apology, and for a while she completely forgot what she was going to say.

"You guys, what happened?"

Su You looked at me curiously, although I believed his expression clearly showed that he had a general idea about what happened...

"...Forget it."

Shen Qing probably didn't want to really tell this embarrassing thing, and after holding back for a long time, she seemed to decide to not mention it.


"Do you have any more comments on the arrangement of this mission?" Su You asked.


I was the first to say that I had no opinion, Su You silently turned his gaze to Shen Qing——


Shen Qing finally gave up giving me a hard time and agreeing to form a team with me... In fact, through my observations recently, I found that she would really listen to what the boss said, but she would always mock me and ridicule me.

"Ah, yes, there is one more thing. Ying will go with you on this mission."


This was really unexpected, even I was surprised.

"That's because she had been inquiring about you when she was reforming her. She heard that you joined the organization for her and the mission might be life-threatening. She is determined to enter every game with you. Probably, she wants to protect you. "


"No! Protect? She is the most dangerous one, right?! It is already hard enough to deal with other awakened AIs, but now I have to keep eyes on this crazy pink-haired girl..."

Shen Qing slapped her hands on the table and stood up suddenly.

"What do you mean crazy pink hair girl… Although Ying did do such a thing, her intention was not to harm people, but because she didn't understand anything at that time. She just wanted to pursue love! Now Ying has understood the difference between herself and human beings, and she won't become violent again!"

She was so terrible. How could she call Ying that?

"AI is still different from humans. What if your 'girlfriend' suddenly realizes that she is not like us, and helps her 'kind' to trap us? The process of awakened AI itself is very unstable. I don’t want to take meaningless risks on a mission."

"Didn't the 'programmer' have adjusted the threshold function in her emotional decision-making module to suppress her from becoming violent? As long as she does not become violent, there will be no life-threatening danger."

Ying's abilities couldn’t even be understood by the 'programmer', but as long as her emotion was restrained, she was just an ordinary female high school student who liked to learn and was afraid of being alone, and her only skill was cooking.

"Don't worry about Ying. Even if we ignore her promise, we should trust the 'programmer'"

Su You said with his chin resting on his hands.

Obviously he was a few years older than us, but when he spoke, we were like elementary school students facing the teacher listening to him carefully.

"And you two can also feel how special she is. The reason why I agree to transfer her to you is because only you can stabilize her emotions. I don't want to see the 'Garden of Eden' that we built with a great effort to be formatted by your girlfriend. Since she is your girlfriend, it is your responsibility to calm her down."

Garden of Eden was the place where the data of AIs were stored. It was a server that was not connected to the outside world. Once Ying lost control of herself, the consequences would inevitably be catastrophic. This may be one of the reasons why the boss let her leave.

"Okay, I get it."

Shen Qing sighed.

"Although I don't want to admit it, it is true..."

What the boss said was very reasonable. I had personally experienced how scary Ying was when she was out of control. 

"You should have also discovered that Ying was a special case, Galgame or dating sim should be relatively simple as a task, and it is very suitable for newcomers. So, please look after Shi YuanXing okay"

Su You looked at Shen Qing seriously.


"Okay then, this mission will be completed by three of you together. There is no problem, right?"

Hearing Shen Qing's affirmation, Su You smiled.

"No problem."

I nodded.




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