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Chapter 2 Came To Dragon Inn

The fact that Xing Yun was falling proved that his 729th climb had failed.

The cause of failure was very simple. In the seemingly hazy and calm cloud, there was an extremely unreasonable electric discharge phenomenon.

Although it was so weak that it could only stun a person for a moment, it was enough to affect the movement of Xing Yun during climbing.

After climbing for so long, Xing Yun was naturally clear that there was a strange electric discharge phenomenon. He had also been stunned by the electric discharge and fell back to the bottom of the cliff before. But this time he was confident. However, his confidence was simply based on the belief that after being stunned so many times, he had developed high resistance. So he thought that definitely would be able to succeed this time. 

Since he was prepared, why did he still fail?

You may not believe it if I told you. Because the moment before he was hit, he suddenly felt an unprecedented and terrifying threat, as if he was being stared at by a hungry and ferocious beast, the coldness enveloped him instantly out of nowhere. Even now, that feeling still lingered by his side, making him feel like he was falling into an ice cave.

Then, the same as usual, he hit the bottom with a "pa" sound and even bounced back slightly.


Spitting out the debris of fallen leaves that had gotten into his mouth, Xing Yun did not immediately get up and tried again. Instead, he lay there and looked at the misty cloud, squinting his eyes and trying to remember why he ended up in such a "miserable" situation.

He was originally not a person from this world. Although he didn't believe the sentence like 'I am the master of my own destiny', it didn't matter if he believed it or not. In the end, he was still sent to this world by a truck.

He was alone and had no one to rely on in his previous life. This life, it was still the same — at least he thought so in the first three minutes when he opened his eyes. Then three minutes later, he met Sage Yun Qing, who gave him the name "Xing Yun", took him back to the Shang Qing Sect, a large cultivation sect, and even accepted him as his disciple.

Although this was a fortuitous event, even today, Xing Yun still couldn't quite understand it even until this day.

Because the sage-like old man, who passed by where he was born, found him after slipping over on his flying sword and falling from the sky. Although he crash-landed very near him, he almost didn't see him. Not only that, this old man who may suffer from glaucoma didn't adopt him for this reason. His original words at the time were this: "This child could actually make this old man unable to fly steadily. I'm afraid that... Anyway, It's fate that we each other. Since you look so adorable, this old man will adopt you this little guy."

This may sound a bit esoteric, but if we use a fairly straightforward way to explain it, it would be, "This kid looks cute. Fine, I will adopt you."

This was his own word later on.

So if you could enter a cultivation sect simply because of your appearance, then it really would not have anything to do with fate.

If you insist that it had something to do with fate. Then I could only say that fate works in a mysterious way.

In short, it was such a weird process that couldn't be more strange. Xing Yun had its current name and an unbelievable and unrealistic status, and... this treatment that was totally inconsistent with the status of little Martial Granduncle.

Thinking of the old guy throwing himself here and flicking his sleeves and walking away, an inscrutable fire of rage rose in Xing Yun's chest. He hasn't lost his mind in six years was because of this energy.

He suddenly jumped up from the ground, adjusted his breathing for a moment, and started climbing the 730th time.

When a person was angry, it was easy to explode with powerful potential. With this anger, Xing Yun forcibly broke through that layer of clouds and directly rushed to the edge of the cliff.

Seeing the little guy who was originally at the bottom of the cliff suddenly appeared in front of everyone, the three people were shocked. The three of them had no idea that he could jump up this high.

Subconsciously continuing to stroke his beard, the old man calmly moved before Fairy Yun Xia, "Junior Brother, you are really a genius, I didn't expect that you would be able to climb to the top of the cliff so quickly. I and the two elders were just tal-"

"Get lost! Secretly blocking the front of the old woman, is your butt itchy again!?"

Before the old man finished speaking, the fairy behind him rudely slapped the old man with her knife blade, sending the old man flying to one side. That whistling of the knife was so terrifying, that it would easily make everyone shudder.

Arriving before Xing Yun, the ferocious and fierce aura of the fairy suddenly disappeared, replaced by endless graceful beauty.

"Come, come, let this elder sister have a look at you. Um~ this little girl is so beautiful!" While talking, she raised her hand to remove the broken leaves from Xing Yun's hair.

Not knowing if it was an illusion, when she arrived before Xing Yun, Xing Yun felt a sense of crisis that seemed familiar, seemingly similar to the feeling that caused him to fall from the cliff before.

"Oh, this elder sister really has a terrible memory. This elder sister's name is Yun Xia, Fairy Yun Xia. You can call me Aunt Yun Xia, Aunt Yun, and Great beauty Xia from now on."

Without showing any expression, Xing Yun took a step back.

"Ara ara. This little girl is really cautious..."

Seeing Xing Yun was hiding from her, Yun Xia raised her brows and began to search for something in the interspatial pouch.

In this way, the other three people present were stunned to see her taking out a patched fishing rod, several flying swords, two medicine refining furnaces, several talismans, several empty wine jars, three high-rank spirit stones that were as big as a human head... There were also a bunch of weird things that no one knew what they were used for, and finally, she found what she was looking for at the bottom.

A female Taoist gown.

"Little girl... don't be scared. This is the meeting present from this elder sister, take it."

Originally, Xing Yun was still impressed by the fact that no matter which world it was, the women's bags were always like treasure chests; but then suddenly the woman handed him a piece of women's clothing, he immediately felt a sense of breathlessness.

"Take it, this is made by Heavenly Mountain's Ice Silkworm's silk. It took this elder sister three hundred years to sew it."

As soon as the voice fell, Yun Dan quietly translated her words next to her: "This is what your Seventh Martial Uncle stole from the Celestial Tower of the Spiritual Peak with a kitchen knife in the past. It will be easy to accept it, otherwise-"

"Such a big mouth! ?”



Staring straight at the kitchen knife that was embedded into Yun Dan's head, Xing Yun's refusal stuck in his throat was swallowed abruptly by him.

'Good heavens! Is this really a cultivation sect! ?

This is clearly a place full of scary people like Dragon Inn!'

"What are you look at! Take! It!"

This "kindness" squeezed out from the gap between the teeth made Xing Yun horrified and stretched out his hand to take over the female Heavenly Mountain Ice Silkworm clothing.

And when he accepted this kind behavior, Fairy Yun Xia's expression changed from cloudy to sunny.

That smile could really make the dead trees blossom. Even the old man next to him subconsciously pluck a lock of his beard.

Xing Yun thought that his Tao Heart was shaken, but actually...

"Come, come, this elder sister will take you to your future boudoir. Tomorrow is your big day when you will need to choose an acting master. You can't be as dirty as you are now... Why are you not moving! ? come here!"




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