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Hello everyone!

Today is 6th of July, and Im finally doing this month plan post! This month will be quite special and you'll see why in the project list.

-To start off the month I am working on a commission about last year Harley quinn animation but remade in a new scene and with today knowledge. Animation should be posted around Sunday 17th maybe earlier maybe a bit later depending on how much time it will take to make sound and get VA file, from my side, animation is already getting there quite faster than what i thought, you can already see the WIP on the discord chanel.

-After this animation commission you may have seen that I started a new project if you took a look on the discord chanel last week, the project is a whole remake of an old animation I did years ago on Jill x Nemesis. The original animation was about 23 seconds long, the remake is already about 1 min 20 sec, it will contain 6 different poses and should be 2 minutes long. This animation will take time to be finished but will be worth the effort.

-After these 2 projects I may have some time do release one or two short animations, it will either be Honoka animation, a Nier animation or a League of Legends animation. 

This is it for July plan, a quite short plan but a big animation in it so I prefer focusing on it and making it good rather than butchering it to rush other projects.

Thank you all for the support

See you soon!


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