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Recently I've seen some of my works getting leak on some websites in full resolution and only few hours after been posted on Patreon. And I really never thought I would need to say this but leaking exclusive stuffs is not good, as it is both destroying the whole Patreon rewards being the one week release before public and in 4K resolution  and also lowering my trust. I know most of you are here to help me and I've always been very grateful for that, that's why Im asking the person leaking my stuff to stop doing this as it is both ruining all honest person interest trying to help me and get their rewards, ruining surprise when publicly posting the animations. This might be looking like a weird post but this is really ruining me to see that this sort of stuff is happening right now and I dont really have words to describe how much betrayed I feel by this kind of person. I will continue working like I was doing this week, friday to be precise should be the release date for Ada futa and Claire collaboration with MethodMad, I really hope the leaker will stop doing what they are doing otherwise I'll need to find solutions, this is just not alright, selfish, disrepectful for both honest supporters that tries to help me and me.

Thank you for reading this, this was a bit sketchy to write and I apologise for it
Thank you to for supporting me

Best regards,



Robert D.

I hope you figure out who’s been doing it. Those ppl are total assholes and should be banned from Patreon. I’ve seen other artists having the same problem and also asking for the person to quit. I imagine it’s the same couple people doing it to all the Patreon artists they sub to.