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Hello everyone!

I hope you are all doing good, it been some days without posting and Im sorry about it. Recently I had a burnout like feeling where I had complications working on animations, but it been some days that this feeling has gone and Im now able to work full on my animations. Also remember that this is not my full time job so I was not able to finish project the speed I would like to, I work on animations whenever I have free time to do it. There was a time where I could work 12 hours a day on Blender doing animations but this time is slowly going away as I cant live with just doing animations and need a side work to live. Anyway, here are the future animations I planed to come (from the sooner to come to the further):

The next animation to come will be a 30 seconds animation I did with Judy Alvarez from Cyberpunk 2077, this animation is quite simple and was mainly an exercice to force me to work on animation. This animation should be available Friday 11th for patreon supporters.

Second animation to come after Judy's one will be the Christmas animation game winner. The animation should come few days after Judy's one as it is close to be finished, and will bring to life a threesome between a futa Loba, Widowmaker and Mileena.

Third animation to come will be a Devola and Popola animation im working on for some weeks. I got nothing special to say about it except that Im really putting a lot of work on it to achieve a new style of visual with this project.

After Devola and Popola we'll stay in the beautiful universe of Nier Automata with an A2 animation. Im still sketching the animation so I got no visual to show right now but they should come very soon. This animation will be part of my new visual experimenting exercices.

Finally last animation to come this month will be a collaboration with Steps3D on his Panam render. This animation should have basic visuals but new animation style as with this project Im trying to do longer animation (more than simple 30 seconds animations)

So now that I showed you everything that should come this month, you guys can see that Im working on quite a lot of things with restricted time, my goal with this is to have the same level of creativity and production I had before the burnout like thing that hitted me in december. 5 animations in a month is a heavy charge of work but I feel like this is the quantity of work I need to recover the production level I had before. This burnout thing maybe hitted me cause I worked on too much commissions with my last commissions wave I opened, I completed about 18 animations commissions in about 7 months while also working on personal projects at the same time. Im planing to re open my commissions soon with more restrictions because I really worked on too much things and lost myself in it. More informations about future commissions will come soon. I dont express myself this much usually but I felt like I needed to share this with everyone so you can all understand what's happening and why I dont post content often now. I try to mainly post the most I can on my patreon supporters private chanel on my discord server where I often post new wips and ideas for future plans. I hope you can now understand me and the slow content posting.

EDIT: had to delete images cause patreon rules
