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Time for some updates:

The bad

I will be taking a forced "vacation" trip to my home country for two months. There the internet is like the worst you will ever see, so I will be again limited of doing what I do now. I'm not particularly fond of going, but I have things to do there so it can't be avoided.

The good

I already did a lot of work in preparation to that, a least one month and a half of content. It have July and August fully done so it will be just programing posts and uploading when time comes.

Just news

I'd like to use my vacation time to relax and draw at a more slower pace, not pressured by deadlines or the oppresive toughts of having to get something done to get a 

Besides of that, I'll probably use the time to think about the future as well, if I can keep doing this with the extremely scarce benefit it has reported to me, both financiall and mentally.

That's all, see you in the next (scheduled) post! :)


Izuko Gaen

You've got to do what has to be done. I wish you success with whatever it is 🙏 It must have been a whole lot of work to prepare all of this.


It was, I couldn't do all I wanted to do beforehand, but I hope I can get at least a couple of weeks of relaxation. I've been doing this for 4 years straight 😵‍💫


Good luck and do your best to relax whenever you see the chance, you deserve it✨