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Ok, I've been suddenly punched by reality, and really hard. To overly simplify it: I won't be able to maintain myself if I keep on with the incomes I'm having right now on Patreon, so I'll have to go back to regular commissions again.

I closed the commission tier since I found it was really unproductive and impractical (the more I earn the more Patreon keeps to themselves bc of commission taxes and such), so every commission now will be handled directly through paypal, no intermediary whatsoever.

How will this affect my regular Patreon work input?

Well, obviously I won't be able to put out as much pieces as usual. I can't throw a number right now since it will depend on the complexity of each one, but maybe three or four pieces at most, including the character contest one. More than that would be overwork and I really value my health and well being.

I'm really sorry for those who want to see more of my artwork, but as of now, to put it bluntly, the support isn't enough.

The changes I made on Tier 3 weren't very positively received not to mention I didn't get any feedback whatsoever, but that has always been the usual stuff here so I wasn't surprised either. I guess no one cares about the new benefit, or everything else as much as I'd wish. But I just couldn't leave things as they were, devaluating my work isn't the solution.

Again, I'm very sorry, specially to the people who support me, for venting this out here. My lifestyle has suddenly been compromised, so I have to take inmediate action.

I'm working right now on a commission detail sheet, but I'll let you guys know what's the plan, if anyone wants a commission just DM me.

Anyway, have a nice day :)



Sorry to hear about this. Hope things look up for you soon though and once I'm able to again, I'll definitely come looking for a commission! You always do such amazing work :)