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Another year has passed and with 2021 over now, it's been 4 years since I started doing digital art, and 3 since I started this Patreon. 

I'd like to say "wow, I've grown so much in this past year!" but right now I can't since it's not the case by any means. I still see my art seriously under appreciated, despite how much I (think) have improved in these 3 years. 

But that's a matter for another day and place. Right now what I cannot deny is that I've been slacking off too much, and haven't taken this with the seriousness it deserves (at least if I want to make this my career and main income). 

I haven't realized that taking Patreon seriously means to draw less what you want and compromise more to what your supporters want. I've been too much focused on my own grown as an artists and the developing of my artstyle, when in reality that doesn't care as much when growing your Patreon income. 

On top of that it's a pretty bad habit of mine to take things less and less seriously as time passes. I haven't done a poll since May, even when it's one of the benefits I have as a regular, as if it's something going on every month, when it's not. 

I'm planning to change that from next year onwards, that's if I want to make Patreon into something that I can live from in the future. 


Obviously I'll try and make polls a regular thing (at least once every month), whether it be characters from my own wishlist or characters submitted by patrons of every tier, or characters being thrown there based on certain criteria, who knows. 

The biggest thing I've been trying to figure out how to merge in my Patreon page are commissions. At first I didn't wanted to do it since I thought I was incapable of maintaining a strict pace and scheduling when making art. Last month I decided to try and see how much I could shorten this process (the Lena doodles) and to my surprise I was able to get very good results. 

With this in mind, starting January I'll open a new tier entirely dedicated to accepting commissions It will be VERY limited as for the time being, both in amount of slots and details available for every request, but let's see how the thing goes with time.

Another important thing, the Paladin Tier will be the one with most changes, I'll eliminate the extra Reward Pack and instead leave a link (which will be updated) every month to ALL of the reward packs from 2019-2021. Of course, the price will have to go up a bit to match with the possibility to have access to three years worth of works, so I hope you understand.

Also I'm planning to give mentorship for anyone who wants to improve on his art journey. My knowledge is limited and lacking in a few areas, but I'll give my best to provide advice on composition, anatomy, shading and rendering, etc. at least how I do things in my way. This will include corrections of your drawings/sketches so make sure to exploit this benefit to its fullest.

Last but not least, I'll simply try to pop up art more often. Lately I've found myself really tired of spending one entire week (or more at times) to make one piece with lots of variations and such. While I understand that some arts take more time than normal to produce, and irl stuff often gets in the way of schedules, it also happens that my interest is often drawn out and most of the time I finish a lot of pieces unmotivated enough to handwave a lot of small details before completion. In comparison to that I really been enjoying making quick pieces, and since art for me is about enjoying the process, that's what I would want to focus on. 

Anyway, that's enough rambling for now. Thank you very much if you took your time to read all this and if you want to make suggestions please feel free to do so. 

I wish you all a happy new year! :D


-> The Paladin Tier will now allow access to all reward packs from 2019-2021. Mentorship benefit added as well. Price will be now $25*

-> New "Emperor" Tier which will be basically a commission tier, limited to 2 monthly slots for now. More details to be further explained when implemented.

*changes won't be applied until late January so you won't be charged the extra tomorrow, also because I haven't implemented it in my tier list



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