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and Rimuru... Ok this is the 2nd time in a row I do a mascot-like character, although this one is the MC of his series xD

Honestly I'm really satisfied with this piece. Undoubtedly the best layer management I've made so far, and the piece itself... I think this is beginning to look more like my own style I guess? Let's hope I won't become disappointed of this one after 3 weeks.

Now totally unrelated to that, a couple of days ago some ideas suddenly came to my mind. One of them regarding changes to this page, and the other one... It's more like a huge project tha revolves around me finally getting to draw full lewds.

I won't spoil much of that here, first let me try to elaborate on that idea a little further to see if it can be brought to reality. Until then stay tuned!

*This is just a preview*

More versions of this piece, full-res and non watermarked, will be available as part of the reward pack for March which I'll be posting between April 3rd-5th

The rewards for this piece will include:

○ Tier 1 / sfw jpgs

○ Tier 2 / nsfw + wip set

○ Tier 3 / PSD file




Milim y Rimuru... Ok esta es la 2da vez seguida que hago un personaje del tipo mascota, aunque este más bien es el personaje principal de la serie xD

Estoy bastante satisfecho con este dibujo. Sin dudas es el fichero con mi mejor manejo de capas hasta la fecha, y el dibujo como tal... creo que estoy empezando a encontrar mi estilo (? Mientras voy a rezar para que no considere este como un fracaso luego de 3 semanas.

Ahora completamente fuera del tema, hace un par de días se me ocurrieron algunas ideas. Una tiene que ver con cambios para la página, y la otra es algo así como un proyecto bastante grande que adelantando algo, tiene que ver conmigo empezando a dibujar (por fin) full R18, o nopor como quieran llamarle xD

No diré más hasta que no haya desarrollado la idea en mi cabeza a ver si es posible llevarla a cabo.

*Ésto es una preview*

Más versiones en alta resolución y sin marca de agua disponibles como parte de las recompensas de Enero, que estaré subiendo entre el 3-5 de abril.




God bless you 🙏😍


One thing in particular I like about your style is the way you do their eyes. Past examples being this, Tatsumaki, Eris, Roxy & Ichika(I did I spell it right?) Not so much the eye, itself, but the coloring direct underneath them makes them look very pretty ☺️


Thanks! and yes Yes, I finally found this style and I intend to stick with it, at least for eyes :3