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Hey all! 

Sorry for the lack of video. 

The horrendous UK heat wave really kneecapped a week that was already difficult due to having make some adjustments in my medication and working through some personal issues (that are all going very well, no need to worry. It's just a bumpy difficult year with some growing pains =) )  Soon you can expect: 

  • A short video talking about my experiences with the new multiplayer beta and some insider info on GM's plans for it. 
  • A couple of GM Meetup talks, one from me as a followup to my "Laziness isn't real" video about ADHD, and one from Gavin at GameMaker showing off how quickly you can throw together an Among Us style game using the Multiplayer functionality. These will be going out while I'm working on... 
  • ...The start of my turn based combat tutorial stuff!

Only a quick update but it soothes my ceaseless anxiety as a content creator to know I've at least said something!



Killer heat in Ireland too and not even nearly as hot as the UK, totally understand that.


No worries. Still going through your platformer tutorial. THANK YOU for all the great vidoes!