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2.3.6 was recently released. 

With it came a few changes to the start screen and some other bits (I recommend reading the blog post) and I wanted to put out a quick video about this feature in particular!

"Quick" maybe didn't work out as getting the ball rolling on videos and pokeypoke has been a bit rough. Following my week off I was incredibly ill for about five days and skipped a Ludum Dare Feedback Friday stream that I'd been looking forward to. I'd had to visit the emergency department a couple of times (I am fine. I reiterate, I am fine. Just some alarming things that could have been worse than they were.) and generally not had the productive awesome time I was hoping to have after my time off. Not ideal for my metrics that already suffer a bit from taking time off to begin with, but these are the cards I am dealt.

But I've recovered from *that* and I am still, if not more, eager to get back to work. Just a bit of frustrating catching up to do is all. This will go live to the public on Friday and I have another short video I want to put out to you guys this week (a primer on Structs in GML) which will go live the following Friday.

PS. There was also a bit of a drama with the release of this particular feature being initially to subscribers only (so not permanent license holders) that has since been changed in response to negative feedback and now all paid users have equal access, but free users will still not get access to certain features now that they've moved to a monthly release model. This means more features more quickly, but free users will not get access to the newest and best features. I had prepared a commentary on this in the video but the drastic change that took place kind of threw my original script and I didn't have time to make a new one. My thoughts in summary though are:

  • I don't like the very arbitrary lines they were drawing between subs, permanent license holders and free users.
  • I am glad they changed it to make the distinction clearly between *paid* users and free users. Their response was very positive and honest and it seems likely they'll keep this attitude going forwards.
  • I still wish there was more clarity going forwards on what features will and will not be available to free users.

That is all from me for now, hf!



Filters & Effects - New Feature in GameMaker 2.3.6

▶ Support my work: https://www.patreon.com/shaunjs ▶ YoYo Blog post: https://www.yoyogames.com/en/blog/filters-effects-tech Filter/Effect layers are a new feature in version 2.3.6 of GameMaker Studio 2! They allow you to create layers that apply a particular filter/shader effect to every layer beneath them. They are rudimentary at the moment but many more things are planned for them and they already come with various GML functions for dynamic control at runtime.


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