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As I mentioned in my last post, and also on YouTube in a community post / pinned comment I'm going to be taking next week off.

It's weird in some ways that I feel the need to "announce" this but you guys do literally fund my work and are effectively my distributed-employers, and also my work has been *slow* lately not fast, so I worry it might seem strange that I'm taking a break when it might not appear that I've been working particularly hard.

I've been really slow with content in a way that's become really noticeable and hard to shake. Just making that super quick one minute video on default arguments felt like it took a mountain more effort than it should have. Nothing went wrong with the production of the video, the scripting went fine, recording went fine, editing went fine, rendering went fine but at the end of every step along the way I felt the need for a massive exhale of relief and the energy needed for me to start the next step felt huge.

That's not really normal. 

I've not taken a proper, intentional break since the end of the ARPG series, which has been hard to recognize because I have been taking micro breaks during the weeks, sensing a need to recharge and relax but they've been incidental rather than intentional. That means I've noticed I'm not getting much work done and have decided to write the day off and try to "relax" rather than to keep working on a given day. But that hasn't been very effective and my situation has only been getting worse. When I reflect on the average employed person and the amount of holiday-days people take I realize that I take way too few intentional holidays so I'm going to take one soon in order to plan some real time off I can enjoy with hopefully less of the burden of feeling like I'm getting increasingly behind with what I've promised to release.

Maybe it seems like I'm over-justifying this at this point, and I feel like I share long-posts about where I am in my work-life-balance process with you all a lot. So I'm sorry if you get tired of seeing this kind of thing. but I feel an obligation to be transparent and honest with you all who are trusting me with your money to produce Good Stuff. I am it turns out, only a human but I promise I'm doing my very best!

Thank you all endlessly for your support!




Take a month if that's what your body needs, Shaun. You provide a multitude of great content and it's easy to conceive how the massive RPG series took it's toll. Enjoy some rest and the holidays!


好好休息 视频可以等休息好了再编辑