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The script is done for ARPG ep51! 

Every week the end has felt so close and yet so far, every bit of work revealing yet a little bit more work that needed doing. But here we finally (finally) ((finally)) are.

It'll be a long episode that frankly, earlier I would have split into two but my heart can't take it anymore. Every day this series isn't finished is just painful to me at this point.

I want to thank you all for supporting me while this series wriggled its way out of me and into existence. I'm proud to be one of the few creators who has finished a tutorial series of this kind of magnitude in spite of the loss of viewers. I think I've created something with a lot of value even if only for a few thousand folks and I think the source code package will be a useful reference for many years to come.

Finished is also a weird word. There's things that could still be done. Bugs that could be fixed, features that could be added. The goal was always to cover as much functionality as we could and give you all the tools you need to go and make something of your own and I think we've just about done that. I'm not closing the door on fixes / bonus episodes but I definitely need a significant breather from this project.

I also don't want to do something like this... possibly ever again. Stand-alone content is going to be much more of my focus going forwards. Stuff where I can sink time into really getting single ideas across and showing cleaner implementations. We've had to get a bit messy in this series in order to keep to our pace and ultimately the scope for the series was just a bit too high. 

Cheers to everyone again, apologies to everyone who was long since sick of the ARPG, and here's to the future and a greater variety of content once again!




Thank you!


Hey Shaun, I wanted to comment that I'm really glad you finished it all the way through despite the fact long form series are time consuming and don't work well in the youtube algorithm. You did something I haven't seen on youtube before which is a comprehensive and cohesive list of topics for a 2d top down game, it really helped me learn so much about GMS2 to tackle so many different aspects of the game building process. I'm happy for you that you're done, and I'll be glad to watch your short form stuff as intros into new topics, but while you may not have reached as wide an audience doing this tutorial, you helped a few people massively improve and get acquainted with so many topics. Thanks a million!