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An episode where we cool down a bit from all the tough work on the dialogue system. Got this one out a bit faster to try and get us back on schedule. Enjoy! Source code has been updated over at:  https://shaunjs.itch.io/shauns-action-rpg-tutorial 



GameMaker Studio 2: Action RPG Tutorial (Part 12: Z-Height and Shadows)

★ Source Code ▶ https://shaunjs.itch.io/shauns-action-rpg-tutorial ★ Playlist ▶ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPRT_JORnIuosvhfax2TQTEmN7OYTcSvK ★ Su...



Regarding your use of Z over Zed (12:27) - My wife is British and we've returned to the States. The other day I caught her saying "process" with the "ah" sound instead of with the long "ō" sound. She denies it of course but I know. Now if only I could get my daughter to stop mispronouncing tomato, vitamin, schedule... Just now getting around to finally going through the tutorial. Very enjoyable!