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Hello everyone! It's been a while since I've done a proper update here beyond posting new videos, because largely... the videos themselves are what I've been doing and there hasn't been a whole lot else to say. I still think regular-ish updates are an important part of how I run this Patreon but with visible content launches I think the week-by-week updates are less necessary than they felt when I was working behind the scenes. So I'll still be doing these, less often but with more depth when they're appropriate.

ARPG Videos

The ARPG series is doing quite well, up to its 8th episode and 7th public episode. A huge drop off in views after the first episode as expected and now a smaller decline with each follow up video. This definitely is not a format you want to do if chasing YouTube metrics! Although the first episode is certainly quite valuable for that. Luckily I'm funded pretty much wholly by you guys and those metrics are less important, but I think it might be worth interjecting a different video every five episodes or so, to provide something for people who aren't following along with the series. Unsure yet what those might be but It'll probably come down to a Patreon vote.

The episodic source code has also been updated:  https://shaunjs.itch.io/shauns-action-rpg-tutorial 


Some of you might have noticed I haven't been streaming lately. At first this was while I got (back) into the routine of consistently putting a video out every Friday but more recently I've been itching to stream again, and only haven't due to issues with internet consistency. Sadly my new 3/4g connection which was excellent for the first few months has run into a lot of stalling issues where it never quite disconnects, but slows to a near total halt. It seems to be related to a 5g trial and other unspecified, mysterious "Upgrades"™ that Three are doing in the area, but despite being told this was going to end soon, the dates keep being pushed back.

But hopefully, soon things will level out and I can get back to streaming. It's not really a money maker for me, but is one of the more fun things I do and I miss it. 

I dream of one day having a 99% consistent, stable connection that I can rely on for streaming. Perhaps there's some kind of business connection deal I can look into, lay some kind of massive 5 inch diameter broadband cable directly into my home or something. I might do some research; my Patreon has been solid above $1500 lately and I can start to afford a few more investments so who knows. Speaking of which...

Subtitles and Transcription

I've started paying some folk I've sourced out over twitter to help with accurate subtitles for new videos, as per my Patreon goal. it's slow to get started, working things out with the people I'm working with and getting a good workflow going. But I've got a few transcripts ready to apply to the ARPG series with more coming.

Once I'm happy with this workflow I'll be branching out into getting some translations going too. I know a few people who've offered help with this already, I can only manage one step at a time! 


Yeah that old thing! Been poking (hahahaha) at it again lately and my plan after the ARPG series is wrapped up is to get back to it full time with dev logs, streams and inspired tutorials as the main video content. Might show up a bit in streams here and there during the ARPG video stretch.

Other news

My girlfriend got me a 3d printer for Christmas, and I finally got it set up! Been having a lot of fun printing D&D figures and was wondering if I could create some sort of fun physical reward for top patrons like a coin or something. Might be interesting? Let me know if you have any ideas!

Thanks for your support everyone! New episode coming Friday as per usual.




Thanks for the super informative update, Shaun. Looking forward to when you're able to iron out the connection issues and stream some more. It's always most helpful for you to be able to do the things that are most fun. Eases the soul. Also, a 3D printed thing would be pretty cool, honestly! No idea what you could do though, a coin would be small and work well.


That is a might fine present the 3d printer!