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Hey guys, so as some of you might recall I was a little under the weather a couple of weeks ago and had to cut my Monday stream short. I had assumed I had largely recovered but this week I'm afraid I wasn't able to run it at all as I needed to arrange some more doctor stuff.

I'm mostly dealing with some lumps in my neck and a lot of general aches, fever and fatigue. Still hoping it's nothing serious and gets sorted out soon but I'm having to have some tests done etc and it's all slightly nerve wracking.

I hope you'll forgive me for taking a bit of a break and not delivering as much content as usual but I just don't want to overdo it, or rush content. I made a really awful editing mistake in my last video that was almost certainly down to me not being up to task while editing. (It's since been fixed).

I fully understand if you wish to freeze or withdraw your pledge for the end of this month as I'm saying it now, you're unlikely to recieve the amount of content you're paying to support.

I hope this is a shortlived period of rubbishness and I'll be (truly) back at full strength soon. (this time without speaking too soon.)

I plan to still do this week's Mondev stream just probably on a different day this week when I'm feeling like I can commit to a full day. I could have probably done some work today but I really didn't like it the last time I had to do a short stream and like the ability for viewers to drop in all day long.

<3 you guys and thank you for all of your support thus far.




Chill Bro and get well.. get some rest


Just popped a video on youtube so my subscribers are in the know as well, going for a blood test tomorrow so hopefully get some answers soon