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So after a few weeks not super-closely tracking my Patreon income due to the anxiety it often causes, you guys have snuck up on my goal seemingly out of nowhere and pushed us over the line!

$1500 is my goal for transcriptions and subtitles and I'll be starting the work immediately. I said I wanted to pay some folk to help with this (And I will do that! especially for going through and updating older videos) but the first signs you'll see of this will probably be from me. Perhaps on one of my shorter videos, while I try and keep the engines firing on our ARPG project.

Patreon income is super vulnerable to fluctuation, and while it's possible, even likely, that my income might drop below this goal within days, I'm happy to say this goal has been "reached" as long as we stay within shooting distance. Let's say $1425+?

(I obviously reserve the right to change my mind about any numbers like that, or anything I ever say ever, as always. But this is my honest intention as of right now!)

Also, with regards to the ARPG, check out these sweet new houses!

It's not quite ready to update the code-preview with yet but it'll go up soon. Probably next week.

Thanks as always, so much for your ceaseless support & patience. <3


PS - You know as delighted as I would obviously be, if you consider all the time I've spent on low-mid tier art assets for this tutorial series I'm gonna be low-key furious if we hit our art budget goal just as this project starts to wrap up. Feel free to consider this a challenge, obviously.




The roof becomes transparent when in and not when out i... I have been trying to figure this out since Gamemaker 8.0 OMG thank you !