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Hello everybody! Last week was... quite a week!

Norwich Games Festival + PokeyPoke

I spent most of last week and the weekend down in Norwich for NGF. I was there for two reasons:

  • Firstly to do my regular GameMaker workshop with fellow dev Tommy Thompson (AI in Games on YouTube + Sure Footing on Steam). We take a bunch of screaming kids (and parents) and build a game with them live. Taking suggestions from the audience on the character, mechanics, and so on. It's always pretty wild.
  • Secondly to show off PokeyPoke! Despite no external funding the game has come a long way over the last year. I was super impressed with how much better the game performed with players this time around as they found things easier to pick up and learn and were really willing to stick with it and play for long sessions. Some folk even 100%'d the demo, and there's some super hard stuff in there.

It was a really fun time, tiring too, but I'm recovering well and getting myself straight back into Regular Life again now I'm back. 

Also on the PokeyPoke front, our Steam page has gone live! You can now wishlist the game (Please please do!) and I've been doing some rounds of email sending & replying to people interested thanks to the little burst of exposure the weekend has given us.

As promised, $20 folk will get to play the build we had at NGF. I'll put that up tomorrow when I have some time to write a proper post for it and go over the controls etc. Your feedback is very much welcomed!

Action RPG + YouTube stuff


Obviously I've been a bit preoccupied. But my plan is to be back to focusing on this stuff right away. My to do list is pretty much cleared. My impending house move looms on the horizon, but there's a nice sprint of time before that hits a critical peak again. My recent update video is still representative of "Where I'm at" with the project. Expect to hear much more on this front very soon! Wish I had more to say than that, but that's just... how it be!

It's number one on the agenda, and going forward I want to keep it up there as it's had to cede enough time to other work already.




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