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Ludum Dare was as fun and exhausting as it always is. I was knocked for six on Monday but ended up with a neat... thing. It's not one of my best entries in my opinion and was pretty poorly scoped for the time. But I still like the ideas behind it, I just wish I'd have saved them for a longer period of time with which to explore them better and further.

What was better than the final product in this case though was simply the journey. I had a ton of fun on stream with loads of people popping in and out bringing the stream overlay to life and occasionally helping me barrel through bugs. I also got to put some new coding practices to the test. While it might not be my best game it's one of my better coded (for a jam game especially.). You can check out the source code as well as the game, here. 

And also a mandatory Timelapse.

At the same time I've been handling a lot of stuff relating to both my upcoming house purchase & move, and some sEcReT stuff with Another Perspective. (It's not all that exciting really, but is making me a decent chunk of money. Money I'm gonna desperately need after this house move.).

I'm sorry that this has all meant very little satisfying movement on the RPG front. There's still so much to do on that front and I fear things may get even slower. Especially with NGF rearing its head for the end of the month. I've taken on probably too much stuff for these last and upcoming few months. I can't really afford to drop any of it either. Hopefully you're enjoying the livestreams and other content and can maintain faith that it'll be worth the wait on the RPG series. Thank you all so much for continuing to support me throughout the rough and increasingly long journey of making all this stuff.




Ps. As those who watched the stream on Friday know, you can throw things in the RPG now! And carrying works better. We shrunk that whole system down a little bit and I think we're ready to move on. Every little helps!


Since you did a ludum dare game will you be streaming any of the games you play to rate. And if so is there any process to submit a game for you to play. I wanna try out your game and would love to see you play mine if that was something you'd be doing this time around


I will do for sure, might do that tomorrow! The process is usually to just Be There For The Stream and be prepared to wait a long time sadly. I take them through chat, form a queue of tabs and work my way through them.