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Yeah that snuck up on me in a big way! It's been Too Long since I did one of these so this weekend it's stream time!

For the uninformed I'll be making a game solo in 48 hours for ldjam.com along with thousands of others. I encourage you to take part if you haven't before! After the games are done we all play and rate one another games. There's no prize other than having made a Thing.

I'll be streaming it all live at www.twitch.tv/shaunjs. Except when I'm sleeping.

On Friday we'll be doing our regular stream too, so come by for that.

In the meantime we might also stream some theme discussion and the like. Basically just follow up my twitch page if any of this sounds fun or interesting to you!



48 hour* Livestream this weekend! - Ludum Dare 44

*not when I'm asleep. Winners get their sleep. ▶ Follow & watch live: https://www.twitch.tv/shaunjs ▶ Support my work: https://www.patreon.com/shaunjs


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