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So towards the end of last week you'll notice I got a bit distracted. I think it's worth me reminding YouTube I'm still alive and creating stuff while working on this RPG and I think the update video was worth doing and came out quite nicely.

The RPG now has room transitions, health UI and some other bits and pieces. The code is a bit of a mess even for something disclaimed as a mess so I won't be updating the source code files for the $20 folk this week, rather I'll do it next week when some of this stuff has had time to be cleaned up at least a little bit. (There's some random experimental objects & scripts lying around that were a result of tests and well, experiments on new approaches to things. I don't want them to mislead you!)

This week I'll be continuing the grind. Not much else to say! Hopefully I'll have some more interesting updates on the RPG coming soon. Livestream planned for Friday.

The Future

Something noteworthy about the GML updates coming this year is they're going to add a whole host of new, better ways to do almost everything. While my videos won't exactly become obsolete; and for the most part they're still good ways of doing things for beginners, there might be some topics I'll want to look at again when this stuff does show up. At the very least there's going to be some new material I'll want to cover for people as soon as I can.



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