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So I've recently cleared up a bit of the ever growing to do list. The BenQ review is done (and I think it came out pretty well!). Me and Emma have signed a whole bunch of solicitor paperwork for our house purchase and our mortgage application is underway (all the fingers crossed on that one.). I used a bit of last week to add a few things to PokeyPoke, not least of which is the lighting engine I recently ran a tutorial on. I cleaned the hell out of my desk (for the monitor review) which has made me all kinds of more productive. Never underestimate the power of a clean work environment!

I've also done some work on Another Perspective of all things. I can't say what for yet, but I'm making a HTML5 demo of the game and a "1.5" patch of the PC version. The end result is something I'm getting paid quite a bit for! So It's not just on a personal whim. It's mostly done, but there's still some unknowns ahead.

But there's still a daunting pile of tasks ahead:

  • The RPG series
  • PokeyPoke build for NGF in late May
  • Another Perspective "Stuff" (Mid April deadline)
  • Yet More House Moving Stuff™ (Completing in June)

You'll notice the RPG series is the only thing without a 'deadline', but I don't want you to think it's being under prioritized. This week, having cleared a lot of other stuff off my plate, it's all I'm going to be working on. So there should be plenty of new things to show you by next week.





Very cool, Shaun, congratulations to your grandfather. that everything right with the mortgage. I know that this coiled porem wanted to take a doubt, I will send via message, it is not about code to be analyzed would be more about game designer.