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Currently working on a video on Finite State Machines as a prelude to the stuff on Platformer AI (this article is a great resource on what I mean when I say State Machines: https://mack151.wordpress.com/2014/10/25/the-basics-of-state-machines-in-gamemaker/ ) It's taking forever. It's a hard one to do in video form with accompanying examples. I've more or less scripted everything and written 2 different platformers with ladders, one using states and one not. Tomorrow I'll do the recording and depending on editing factors it'll be up either tomorrow or at the weekend. Sunday evening at the v.latest. This is going to be a super important concept for people to understand, like it can help you make a huuuuge jump in how you develop games in GM. Problem is I think it's going to be really hard to make the concept easily digestable! Which is why I'm working hard on this one >_<


The basics of state machines in GameMaker (Updated with better descriptions and visual aids)

One way to really keep your code organized in any engine for any type of game or simulation is to use something called a finite state machine, or just state machine for short. What is a state machine? As Wikipedia defines it: A mathematical model of computation used to design both computer programs and sequential logic circuits.


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