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The video review of PixelFX Designer released last week, it's fun to do editing for a short, high quality video again as opposed to the long, continuous shot walkthroughs I do a lot of.

This week I'm planning to do a whole bunch of livestreams, getting through the games you all submitted recently. The first livestream didn't get through very many for how long it was, and there's a lot to get through. So I think I'm going to time limit each entry in our next run. 

A reminder that the livestreams are not the end product here, I want to put together a showcase / highlights video of some description by the end of it. But in order to do that, I've got to play all the games! And I may as well stream at the same time.

Once that's out the way we'll be tackling the poll topics. Speedrun ghosts and melee attacks. I might run an interim poll for you to decide which should come first, as they tied in the original poll.


PS - As per title. 



That hair, though xD


Right? It's getting silly now so it probably will get a cut sooner or later.