Week 33 - The road to Ad Free! (Patreon)
So as described, with $1500 a month my ad revenue from YouTube becomes trivial enough a part of sustaining my work that I can drop it completely. But the important caveat here is that it won't happen immediately.
Any of you who have been here more than a month or two will know how volatile my income from Patreon can be. This month so far I have gained roughly $170(!) worth of pledges but over the whole of the previous month I lost roughly $30 a month. I've lost even more over months previously, for example during the whole Patreon fee structure stuff and other things within/not within my control.
Now I'm not saying that the "real" goal for removing ads will be any higher than $1500, the figure just has to prove itself as stable first before I go into YouTube and begin the process of demonetizing *every single video*. I don't really want to go back two weeks later and have to turn them all back on!
So let's roughly say that you can expect ads to go away roughly a month, maybe two, and at least one full patreon payment cycle after actually hitting the goal.
I'm massively looking forward to it. I know some of you have said before that you don't mind the ads and you like them as a way of "freely" supporting me but I legitimately believe they're a bad thing for the content itself and a bad influence on how I go about my work.
(PS. This weeks plan is to finish up the "Endings" video for the platformer series. I have a few thoughts on the next video/parts of that series that I'll share once I'm done with this part.)