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The ropeswing video is fully edited, I just need to sort the audio levels out and render the thing. (Then Thumbnail, source code page, upload, description, yada yada) Unfortunately Adobe Audition is refusing to start. And most of my other Adobe tools (Premiere, et al) have been stalling all day. So given it's now... 7pm here I'm going to call it for today and set my computer about grabbing some updates/reinstalling some things and hope to have the video out to you all on Monday.

That'll then be Friday for the YouTube public.

Cheers everyone! Looking forward to this one.



Can’t wait!👊🏻☺️


I'm sure that the video will be fantastic, and complex too :P


It's really not all that complex! Much of it is solved in one line: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/week-27-magic-of-19981185">https://www.patreon.com/posts/week-27-magic-of-19981185</a>