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Plans and plans and plans:

Winner of the poll from last week was "Walljumps with momentum". In other words, tackling the awkward problems that arise when implementing a wall jump that most beginner level tutorials (my own included) tend to gloss over. Acceleration vs Fixed speed and how to balance exactly how your wall jump behaves and what it allows your players to accomplish.

BUUUT. First of all, I still have a PokeyPoke retrospective part to finish. So that's up first on the ever long to-do-list.

Week that was or mostly wasn't:

Last week I got very, very little done. It wasn't a productive week in general and it was cut short by some holiday time with the girlfriend on Thursday and Friday. Over which both of us have been a little bit ill and snuffly to match the bizarro UK March-time snow storms, so I guess it was appropriate we weren't working! I did release Platformer part 15 but that was more or less just clicking a button on YouTube.

So I've got some catching up to do. I'm gonna go a little quiet this week while I just really sink my teeth back into video production and just try and get everything back to normal in what's been a very slow, routine-disrupting March. I've had a lot of fun with things like Norwich and my holiday and so on but my brain is really just craving a return to normal work flow. I can't push as hard as I'd like and you might get some ColdVoice™ showing up in upcoming videos, but gosh I'm just looking forward to getting some stuff Done.



I am so hyped for this lesson


So glad for your weekly updates. Really nice being able to stay informed!