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New pledges confirmed:

It's the start of a new month and therefore payments have been processing, if you want to make sure you're in the credits as appropriate you need to make sure your payment has definitely gone through. A few new pledgers last month have departed after their payment, presumably intending it as like a one-time donation towards my video work. Not that those people will be notified about this post, but just FYI doing this will mean you still get included in the credits etc for the month after the one you paid for. (I treat these things as a pay-up-front system). You obviously can't get at polls and itch.io games because they're linked to Patreon and afaik they base support on a pledge-then-pay-at-end-of-month system so March would be seen as "not yet paid for"?

I could be wrong. But that's my understanding of it.

The week that was:

I'm back from Norwich where I delivered 6 out of a planned 15 workshops for primary school kids where we built games together in an hour long session. This was part of the Norwich Gaming Festival's "Learning Week" at a cool venue called the Forum. It was great although due to the snow, most of the schools sadly had to cancel. In the interim I holed myself up in the Forum's office and worked on PokeyPoke, since I couldn't really touch any video work.

This certainly made me miss having an office to go to each day, there's something intrinsically productive in just being in an office surrounded by other folks working. I also got to work on a game full time for the most part so that was exciting and new too. 

This week in Best Laid Plans:

That said, its only been a week but feels like forever since I did any video work so I'm happy to be digging back into that as well. I have more to do on the PokeyPoke retrospective stuff but this week I think I'm going to look at the Platformer series and keep that plate spinning. That starts tomorrow though, Mondays are Patreon admin + Email & freelance work admin and then maybe livestream/pokeypoke/chillout day.

Tuesday through to Friday is alllllll video baby. Expect an update somewhere before Friday to let you know for definite what is coming up. Friday is always the target date for video release but it depends on the work. 

It feels naturally like it's been a while since I got feedback from you guys on upcoming topics so expect a poll sometime this week too. I'd do it today but I don't like doing two big Patreon posts in one day. I'll (probably) try and put it out end of working day tomorrow but this is me we're talking about so who knows.

Thanks everyone for your patience and support. I always feel anxious about any time I take away from this work. (especially with how much more I suddenly have pledged to me) For full disclosure, I still consider offers for freelance work but only as short term gigs and the first thing I always say is that I can only contribute time that does not interfere with weekly video work. I think that things like the Norwich festival complement the work I do and are important to me so I do make exceptions for work that I think is relevant to the overall goals of furthering dev-education and the kinds of work that you guys are fundamentally funding.

Cheers guys, see you later this week.




Sounds busy man! Can't wait for the platformer vid .


Subscriptions, 2 steps forward 1 step back, it is what it is.