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This week we're mostly combining basic elements that we've already built to create Consequences™ in our game.

We're working towards tying up all the loose ends and making this a Finished Game whatever that means and then from there seeing how much more polish we can pour on top!

A few people have asked about lots of different mechanics for the platformer but they're likely not to be a part of this particular series which is focused on fundamentals and covering ALL of the bases. Fancy, game specific mechanics are not really among them.  We will be looking at things like displaying text + signposts, scoring, more menu options, better feeling bullets, alternative movement physics, state machines and other important concepts.

A platformer tutorial series that covers all the different mechanical ideas you might want to implement in a platformer (wall jumps, double jumps, swing ropes, coin collecting and so on) and somehow remain generic is not really a good idea for a series that will help the most people. I did this previously with a series for 1.x but eventually your code ties itself in knots and becomes grossly interdependent. That's because nobody makes a game in which you can do everything. There's no way to make a tutorial template for _your game_.

All tutorials can do is give you tools, and those tools should be presented in the most widely applicable ways possible.

Another thing you should always keep in mind with tutorials is that they can also by nature only teach you how to make stuff that already exists. It is only when you take the tools they give you and find new ways to use them that they help you to truly create. That's the goal of my work.




k so we will be covering signs and such though okay thats cool im sad we wont be covering wall jumping because the last turotial i have from you that does that is a gms 1.4 one from many years ago but i can understand your reasoning.


No reason I couldn't do that as a separate tutorial, even based on the same code more-or-less that is used in here, just likely not a part of this specific series.


I have tried for the life of me to use the old moving platforms tutorials to implement them into the current project, but the vertical one just will not cooperate with how we are structuring our code this time around. Any plan to touch on moving platforms at all?