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What was and what is:

Last Friday's video is... still not up yet! It's rendering as we speak, I had to make a couple of corrections and update the credits now that this month's Patreon payments are in. Sorry for the delay! I would have put something out to let you know but I'm trying to really commit to an idea of cutting myself out from work entirely at weekends and in the evenings for my own mental health and general well-being. 

A handful of declined payments this month so if you're not in the credits and think you should be, be sure to check your payment details! I've messaged everyone who has a declined payment this month.

The video will be out for you guys a little later today. Tomorrow I'll also launch a poll for the next patron selected topic.

Coming up:

Towards the end of this month I'm going to be in Norwich for a series of GameMaker workshops I agreed to last year. I'll be doing a bunch of hour long sessions with primary school students where I build a platformer from scratch taking character design suggestions from the audience and showing them how changing numbers affects things like gravity and movement and so on.

That leaves me with three other weeks this month. This week will be a platformer episode and next week I'm going to try something a little bit different involving my current personal post-game-jam project PokeyPoke, stay tuned for that! Week after we'll come back around to the Patron video. And that'll be February, gosh. Feels like it's going to be a quick month already. January this year on the other hand felt pretty long. Time is weird.

See you all in an hour or so when this video goes up!



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