Weekly Updates: February Week 1 (Patreon)
2015-02-08 23:26:40
Goooooood evening Patreonerererers
Hope you've all had a good week! Some important info in this update so please do read it and let me know your thoughts!
1. I'm going to be at Animex next week! (http://animex.tees.ac.uk/) as I've been invited down again to give a live workshop on Game Maker. If any of you happen to be in middlesbrough feel free to say hi! This means ofcourse I won't be here to work on a video this week. HOWEVER. In place of this I'm going to try and add a couple of new written tutorials to GameMakerTutorials.com. The platformer article I put up a while back is looking a little lonely and I've wanted to try and get some more written content done for a while, so this seems like a good opportunity. I hope this seems like a reasonable trade-off in place of one video! The next video tutorial will come out around 18th/19th after I get back to Newcastle.
2. I want to let you all know that as supporters of my work I'm more than happy to answer (within reason!) any code queries or questions about GM on this page. I've generally always been doing that when there have been questions and some of you may remember I initially planned on doing bi-weekly Q&A videos. Instead of this I'm just going to officially say that anyone here is free to ask whatever they want here in the patreon feed and I will do my best to answer. All I ask is that you please post them publically and don't message me privately as then my answer might be able to help more than just you!
3. I'm going to shortly be removing the $750 milestone in place of something else. Currently I'm thinking that "a video + an article" a week is more realistic. At the moment I feel like I'm offering something that I wouldn't be able to realistically provide if the milestone were met, which is obviously bad. If you have any suggestions or ideas on this front please let me know.
and that's that!
Hoping you're all having a good February!