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What was:

GM48 Was awesome! I made a fun thing about using a spear to climb around an environment via the two mouse buttons and WSAD/Arrows.  I'm sure you can spot all the influence my recent Mario Odyssey binge has had on this. The main idea was inspired by the pokio posession!

You can go play it here, but there's no tutorial or menu or anything (48hours, remember) so read the instructions on the page! They're very short I promise! https://gm48.net/game/828/pokeypoke

Because I got some help for the art and the music, I don't know how comfortable I am sharing the source code as I normally would. I don't think it's super fair on them to do so. But we might do some more work on this post-jam so we'll see what happens! Speaking of, the art was done by @InkedSplat and the music+sfx was by @rologfos

Also WOW. My Patreon ad did better than I thought! We're now well within reach of my 1k goal! After which I can reliably do this work... for as long as that goal remains met!? Which is super exciting. I'll be getting more done without as much freelance work, which is true anyway just from the boost we've seen so far. This is incredible and I can't thank you all enough for the support. Hopefully we can continue to grow and maybe one day get rid of all the ads as well. To celebrate the growth the next tutorial will be totally ad free.

This week in best laid plans:

Whew. Today I'm taking a breather as I've had no weekend and worked non-stop on this thing. I know this wasn't exactly patreon work, and I said I'd try and minimize the impact it had but it was tiring and sadly you just won't get quality anything out of me today. The poll from last week still has 9 hours left and is neck and neck! So go vote if you haven't already, $5 dudes: https://www.patreon.com/posts/5-topic-poll-16330688

That will determine the video I make for early-access Friday! I'll probably also do a super-quick, no-edit video about this jam as something for a public release as well.

Other stuff:

A few people asked about suggesting tutorial topics. Do it anywhere I can see it here but most helpful generally is on the polling topics, because then other people can see your idea and say things like "Oh I'd like that too!" and I get an idea over what more of you want to see. I can't guarantee I'll select something for a poll (I have to think I can do the topic justice or that it'll make a good video!) but I always try and lean towards whatever is most popular here. You're funding it after all!

Thanks dudes, any other qs etc, drop em below as always. You guys are the best people.





looks totally awesome!


I would give my right arm to be able to code that by myself... Looks dope and the spear mechanic is dope asf