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TL;DR Summary:
  • GM48 this weekend! Maybe no timelapse etc to avoid disrupting tuts
  • New Patreon Ad this week
  • Poll for next tutorial video incoming

What was:

Last week I managed to just about finish another video, it helped that it was a short one but I continued the platformer series looking at parent objects + the new var definition system. That's live already for $5+ folk as you may have seen already and releases to everyone this Friday. I think it's a decent video but may be a little hampered by me using it to explain a new system to people who are already new and have no "old system" reference point anyway when it comes to parent mechanics. But we'll see how the feedback is. Let me know what you think.

This week in Best Laid Plans:

What blindsided me a little is that GM48 is this coming weekend! I'd all but promised the community to take part in a GM48 finally as every other event had dodged me somehow or other so I plan to take part in and stream this. It'll give me another shot at a 48 hour game to redeem my semi-failure in Ludum Dare 40! I highly recommend if you're able to take part, take part! 48 hour game jams are an awesome experience that teach you a lot in a short space of time.

I tend to timelapse entries as a tradition but I know doing that stuff has a bit of a knock on effect on tutorials so unless I can do it alongside my regular schedule I'll not prioritize doing that and see if we can get in a Jam without it disrupting the regular content too much, while also providing more footage for analysis + breakdown videos later (something I still want to do with my LD40 footage!)

This week though as I said I want to put out a new Patreon ad video as my old ones are mad out of date. We've just passed $800 which is amazing! I don't know if that will sustain itself and only time will tell, but it's always great to reach a new high.

To celebrate this semi-milestone I'll do as I did before, and make my next full tutorial video completely ad-free. Representing us stepping closer and closer to that long-term goal.

I said before that I'd follow this ad video with another platformer part but it's been a long time since I polled you guys and I do state in a few places that this happens "every other week" so I should get back to making that the reality asap. Next tutorial video will be polled, I'll leave a bit of a gap today to let people read this post and put the poll up later in the afternoon. If you've any burning topic suggestions get them in now!



@Lee Merricks 1. Ammo drops can simply be put/copied into the code Shaun made, where enemies drop their 'corpse' on death. You can even fiddle with a drop chance too rly easily. 2. While not on hit, you can also put a blood splatter or some particle generator in same step (Begin Step in my case) so blood particles spawns randomly at death. 3. I would love to see a tutorial on a Weapon Pick-Up tut where u simply switch weapons with whatever Wep is on ground. Also ammo/ammo count, so players get a little 'second objectives' by looking for ammo. However I do not know how easy it would be to store in save files. It wouldn't be good if ammo count was not stored. Anyways GG EDIT: I am only referring to the Platformer


Suggestions for platformer vid: Weapon Pick-Up/Switch: Picks up gun on ground, drops currently equipped. Collectables/Points that is stored in Save File and maybe death. Timer/Clock that is stored in Save File. (For a potential speed runner). While it might be possible to find help on these topics elsewhere, I would like it from here and 'within' your style of coding.