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How do you guys feel about these updates? Are they helpful to you? I notice in my stats they don't get a whole lot of views/engagement compared to my number of patrons and I figured some of that is down to people largely just trusting me to Get On With It™ but I presume you get email notified about these sorts of posts. I don't want to be flooding you guys with emails you don't care about, since I'm posting an average of 2-3 times a week at the moment.

That said, where am I at this week? Preparing for Ludum Dare 40!

I'm pretty excited as this will be my 10th Ludum Dare in a row since I first started with LD30. It's also my first one in a while I can really give full attention to as I'm not traveling to Dundee on the Monday or going to a wedding or anything else. 

I'll be streaming at twitch.tv/shaunjs all weekend and probably producing a timelapse of the footage. YouTube viewers have often asked for a breakdown/analysis of the weekend and what went well and what didn't. So I might also try that as a way of testing the waters and refining the type of content I'm looking to make more of.

In the meanwhile though I'm going to be doing a Platformer episode this week as well. On the Friday I'll only be releasing a Ludum Dare Stream announcement of some kind to my YouTube subs, but $5 folk here will get the Platformer episode as soon as it's ready. So if all goes to plan you'll get this one a full week ahead! Which would probably then become the pattern going forwards, although Christmas might well interfere.

Speaking of Christmas I expect I'll be taking the week itself off, but I doubt any more than that. So I'll still be doing videos throughout the holiday season =)




I enjoy them as well. Thank you so much


Thanks all! It seems largely that people just read their emails since they contain the full post text (i'd assumed it would have been truncated). People consistently drop in when asked for feedback etc so it seems all is well! Was only concerned that people found the many updates annoying but doesn't seem to be the case. Good stuff, will carry on as is!