Weekly Update (Patreon)
Couple of things on the agenda for this week. Video-wise I'm making a sequel to last Friday's Music tutorial, to cover audio groups and general game management of music. It'll probably take most of the week because I've a bit of research to finish up on this stuff as I learn best practices and make sure I'm scripting something solid.
I've also still got a talk from the GameMaker Meetup 3 to sort out. I wasn't at that meetup and I'm not doing the editing work on these this time which is good but I promised to keep hosting the videos so they're in one place.
Other than that I'm glad the feedback on my idea to start doing some more actual game development that I can funnel into educational content was so positive! I'm not going to leap into streaming 24/7 or anything like that and I'm certainly not going to stop doing tutorials in favor of that kind of work, but I'm going to start planning how to go about it. Ludum Dare is coming up in a couple of weeks so until then I think we'll stick to our usual weekly tutorial pattern until I have a solid plan for the future.
You'll notice I've stopped doing my livestreams on Mondays recently, I've just needed the time for freelance work + videos. I think not being able to fit this in is what's bothering me the most in terms of not getting any game dev done. I hope I can fit this into my work better in the future, it's a tough balance to strike.