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As usual I can't scope or estimate my work correctly and this time in a positive way! I got the video done ahead of schedule so here it is.

Getting better and faster with some of this after effects stuff which is very very helpful. 

I'm planning to spend the rest of this week tackling freelance work in order to clear the plate for next time, although next week ALSO likely has a bunch of freelance video work due. (That thing I mentioned I was working on for YoYo? The wheels look like they're finally turning on that. Which is great because I need the money, but also bad because it means less time on my own videos. It is what it is!)

No definites on the next video release date but we'll be carrying on with the platformer series. I'm really happy with the way that series is going and think it's reaching a really good place, looking forward to the late stages of it!


GameMaker Studio 2: Debug Mode

▶ Support my work: https://www.patreon.com/shaunjs Using debug mode and the profiler in GameMaker Studio 2 in order to find and solve issues with your code and identify performance problems and bottlenecks. Back to the platformer series next time!



Thank you! Really appreciate info on this topic.