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...and a happy new year! My video this week was based on a highly voted topic both on the spreadsheet and via youtube comments on the original saving tutorial. A few people have asked about encrypting their save files so this is something I might look into for the next video just to round off the topic. Back from the holidays and with the christmas Q&A done, regular videos will resume as normal! I've updated my credits overlay for my videos for January as I do at the start of each month, so new Patrons should see their names in my latest video. I've also caught up on a few missing $20 rewards I had forgotten to hand out! There was a kind of tough decision I made towards the end of December that lead to there being less content than I wanted, even with it being the Christmas holidays I had some content I had prepared before hand that I was planning to release over December while I was away that I ultimately decided to get rid of. I don't want to spend too long talking about it as it's not really super important but I think it's worth letting you guys in on my decision making about this stuff: I had over an hour of footage prepared on pathfinding, dialogue and using items (based on the previous inventory tutorial). I had blended all of these topics into one big (well, two parter) tutorial that just kind of ended up being too much in one place. It was based on a lecture I gave at the University, which went well but I don't think is well suited to video form or my general style of video. I've reluctantly decided to try and re-record this content covering each topic individually and more in-depth. To make the topics more modular and less strictly designed for one task. (Previously, the context was a point and click adventure game.) I'm hoping this is for the better as I didn't really want to lose so much footage but I'm committed to trying to keep my content as concise, useful, clear, and high quality as possible. I apologize for not being very present in general over December, as I was spending most of my time visiting family in the midlands. Next time around I think I'll try to prepare for Christmas better so it's less of a dry period. Anyhow, videos going forward won't be affected by the content I got rid of I'm working to a new schedule now and around this time of the week is generally when you can expect to see new videos from me. I've always disliked uploading on so many different days so I've reorganized my time to try and make things more consistent. As always, any suggestions, concerns, comments or questions are welcomed and highly encouraged as it's you guys I'm really aiming to satisfy the most with my work. Anything you have to offer or say is valuable to me. Thanks again for the support and have a great week! -S



Thanks for the update!