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So the results of last week's poll are in, but it was absurdly close! 10 votes for Cutscenes so I'll be delivering on that, but since second place (Tile Collisions) got just one vote less and I know some of you have wanted that for a while, I'll be delivering that afterwards instead of running another poll. That works out best for me anyway as it gives me some time to do the research necessary. While I've done tile collision stuff before, there's a few different methods and I want to explore the best ideas to teach a bit.

So next up will be cutscenes, then platformer part 5, then tile collisions. 


My partner Emma is away at the moment on a five week training course for her new job, she has a rare week off when she gets home in two weeks so I'm looking to spend some of that time with her, so I hope it will be ok with you all if I take some of that particular week off myself, both to spend some time with Emma and also just to ease off the pedal a little from my already pretty high pressure video-per-week schedule. This likely will just add up to one friday without a video.

So Cutscenes, Platformer 5, maybe a week off (or maybe my Ludum Dare Timelapse or something?) then Tile Collisions. That's the schedule as it stands now and I'll let you know if anything changes.



Thanks for the update. And, Partners First!