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Hello! I hope some of you were able to join me last weekend for Ludum Dare 31! I had a great time streaming my game's development over twitch and will definitely be doing this sort of thing more often. For those unaware I've also been streaming on and off the last couple of days this week doing critical analysis / voting for other people's LD entries, my stream is www.twitch.tv/shaunjs. If you want to see the game I made over LD31 it's available here: http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-31/?action=preview&uid=40711 I've been preparing to journey back to my ancestral home in the UK midlands to visit family for a while over Christmas (my train is tomorrow). I have some content prepared to hopefully keep people going over the break, and will also be taking my laptop back with me so maybe I can do a little work there too.


Ludum Dare

TEAMS: Teams entering the Jam should pick a single representative to submit your game, or create a team specific account you can share. We currently do not support Team Voting, but sharing an account and together playing and rating games is acceptable.


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