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This is a rather late update due to the lack of computer access I've had over the last few days. I'm away from Newcastle generally for a quite some time as of Thursday so while this means there will be a delay to this week (and possibly next week's) content, you'll be happy to know that I have a biiiig pile of footage already recorded before I left. So in the end you'll be getting just as much content this month as you should expect otherwise. I was hoping to get a ton of videos ready and schedule them on YouTube to automatically release in a nice spread out pattern over week 1 and 2 of November. It didn't work out in the end but I did get lots and lots of raw footage recorded that will be making it's way out soon. The latter half of November is home to a yearly event I run called 'Teesports' or this year, '3sports' which is an annual major fighting games tournament in the north east of the UK. There's a ton of organizational stuff that goes along with this as you might imagine. But hopefully this won't have too big of an impact on videos. Towards the very end of November I think I'll be planning (hopefully this time with better results) to again, record edit and prepare a ton of content over a very busy few days and then stagger its release over December/Christmas just so that things aren't too dry while I visit family etc. Topics in the works: More AP talkthrough Point and Click game basics (A few vids on this. aimed at my uni students but also hopefully useful for everyone) Basic pathfinding stuff AND MORE...! Hope you guys are all doing alright, again any questions, suggestions, concerns or comments please leave them below or get in touch, <3 Thanks! -S


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