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I yearn to be both terrifying and beautiful like a force of nature.

Sorry art has been so sporadic lately, i recently started a new job so that i could 1. Stop letting commissions be my only source of income and 2. so i could no longer make art my profession.

This doesn't mean i don't want to do art anymore. It just means i don't want to do it professionally, i miss just making art for the sake of making it you know? And having a job along with steady income means i can do that.

Im still gonna keep the patreon up and once im done with these last few comms im gonna buckle in and get caught up on a lot of things im behind on >w <




This looks amazing! Love the pose and seeing the force of natures of lighting across this. And I totally understand wanting the steady income and not burn youself and not enjoy art from making it you 24/7 focus.


Love that big bun