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the last and final god of Sauria and honestly my favorite weirdly enough. I did a weird angle but i tried to reference those ancient fertility statues when doing her build. I wanted to give her like a "crown" but i didnt want to give her like a physical one or something too intricate, fortunately a frill and a mane of feathers does wonders. Anyway fancy worded description time. ow o

The Mother is she who is above all, who birth Sauria from her divine womb, who decides when the waves crash against the shore, and when the sky storms with her wrath. She is the living embodiment of not just nature, but the world itself and the life that brims within it. She represents the more nurturing side of nature and works to see that life continues on Sauria, though she still wishes for her children to be forged strong by the natural world. 

The Mother is the strongest of the gods, wielding all the strength of the very earth and holding domain over the elements. She has proven a formidable cosmic force when it comes to protecting Sauria, having even beaten The Butcher himself into submission when he rampaged across the land.  To challenge her is to challenge the very will of the world itself. 

Even those who have little faith in the gods pay some lip service to The Mother, all are aware of her place in creation and the power she wields. Thus all respect it in some way. Her most devout followers are the closest to heroes that Sauria has, undertaking her mission to protect all life and defend the weak. 




Mother may we have some fun together ❤️


She is very stunning, and the power she wield birthing the land we have been shown is amazing~! Amazing amazing lore!