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Bro i havnt drawn a fuckin map since i was in college, so this is both very nostalgic and oddly satisfying to do. This is the setting for all these dinosaurs i have been drawing and where those gods is posted rule over (still have one more to illustrate by the way). Ill give a short description of each area. 

Wrathland - a harsh volcanic landscape loomed over by three great volcanoes and full of active flows that lead into pools of molten lava.

The Jungle of Ur - an overgrown feral jungle full of giant bugs, titanic sized trees, and carnivorous plants.

Anark’ha - a dry arid wasteland littered with bone and constantly scoured by storms of wild magic

The Death Pits - an inhospitable environment composed of bubbling pits of tar overshadowed by giant sized and often hostile fungi.

The Quiet Lands - the frigid hostile alien environment of smooth stone with lakes of mysterious frozen liquid and oddly organic caves.

im still fleshing things out and figuring out ideas for stuff so we will see where this goes uw u




I wonder where each type of Dino live lol 🤔