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Hi so the next svr test is almost out the door, even though svr 2007 won the poll, I did say there would be more svr content for the next 7 months leading to v2s release

over that period were going to test a number of new things like restored interactive  areas( IE: climbable sd fist) new menu poses, uni elements across the whole game, changes in season mode, cut models and attires(7 in total) new models (17!) better belts like that in sym de, huge library of real belts in create a championship like in svr06 de and of course a massive new amount of theme music and titan trons. 

So lets get started with test one we'll be getting with fun stuff right away by testing the new models and playing with them through all game modes and checking for errors possible glitches and the occasional crash on various hardware.You'll notice the new models aren't just straight imports from different games as I hated the brown tan that everyone started to have from the numbered svr titles and textures have all been redone to match the style of the previous 6 games as well as the attires being different for some.

This will be out I'm hoping next weekend otherwise that mid week depending on my therapy (its quite intense atm)

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