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So this weekend I got loads of messages regarding how the world title works in sym v2

I thought I'd just break it down as simply as possible.

So the world title does not interfere with the WWF title what so ever, its is another selectable championship from the gm office just with a higher SP requirement. You need an SP of 85 or more and then you can ask for a shot at the title provided the champion is drafted on the same show and the match will be added to the next upcoming PPV.

So you'll be put in a feud with the champion, beat the champion and thenas you can see by the last shot Rock is now the World champion without replacing any other of the previous titles.

Regarding the belt name now if you remember the final release of this will have early mid and late vers of it covering the whole year so in the ver that covers late 01 to 02 the belt will be called the world title with the WWF logo so it looks yukes official but I've made it so in the earlier vers it uses the 2001 WCW logo and is simply called the WCW championship.

I hope that clears that up!




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SHID Mark sniffer

I might’ve already asked you this but did you mess with the ai in sym or something? Because the ai in season mode seemed to be a bit more aggressive in your mod than in the base game. If so, that’s good. I always hated how the ai in season would always let you beat up on them, even on Smackdown difficulty.